Wednesday 4 March 2009

the truth about heavy handedness

ok......i cant be bothered to trawl through the watch blog to find the various quotes,but there has been a reference made about us going round to someones house mob handed to seize birds back,for the benefit of that person i shall not be naming them,if indeed you are reffering to this person,but that dosent matter as you all seem to know least freebird did,because she fuelled a lot of the bitterness to start with,as well as another ex ACO... so here is the story of the poor caring emergency carer who cried herself to sleep at nights,who infact was an ACO for UKPR who was sacked,and lucky not to be prosecuted,what i am about to tell you,is not hearsay,or summising,it is factual with witnesses and pictures to back up what i am about to tell you....a one time ACO for UKPR was atrusted member of the team,who had many UKPR birds in her care,some short term until homes could be found,some as far as we were concerned,permanent,the ACO concerned was a housewife and so was at home with the birds 24/7,untill she had to take a job,and so her time on the forum got less and less,which is totally understandable when you are playing catch up,in the meantime,we had found permanent homes for 2 of the birds in her care,in short,a few of us tried for many many weeks to get hold of her with no reply,we tried emailing,phoning,texting,pm'ing msn'ing all to no avail,so when this had run into getting on for a couple of months with only a couple of short texts saying"ill call you later" we got suspicious and took our chances and turned up,with the intention of taking the ec birds,and finalising contracts for the birds remaing in her care...... but when we got there,we felt utterly sick at what we saw,her partner/husband had no idea at the extent of the lengths we had gone to at contacting her and apologised,we had to play it very cool that morning,as we were not able to deal with the extent of what we found on that day and politely left with a false smile and return as soon as we could ,we saw a budgie in show box,and was told by her that he had just arrived that day with someone handing him in,and were told on the next visit by the partner it was one of their birds from the aviary....... we found our too with no waterbowl atal,all other waterbowls evaporated down to a green sludge full of poo,one of our other greys in an aviary with another of their greys and a nestbox,apparently an egg had been laid,and some of our smaller aviary had apparently died on bonfire night,only our though none of their own (funny that) they had split up some tiels that had lived together all of their lives and given a couple to friend(to start off his aviary) and 2 ringnecks that had come in seperately put together in an aviary (which apparently i was supposed to have agreed to.never in a million years)we also found them to have only the lowest quality seed,that was all husks anyway,and not one scrap of fruit or vegetables was evident anywhere,even though there was plenty of poo at the bottom of their cages and obviously not cleaned out in a very long time,they had taken the large cage that the tiels came in and put their own bird in,and stuffed the poor lonely tiel into a tiny cage....when we pulled up their was a huge blackboard of birds for a menu board,we have also never received a 50 donation that she took and i have since had to put that in myself,i have never seen anything like it in my life what we found,luckily,we managed get some pictures while they werent looking,if anyone would like to see them,they only have to sure if anyone else there on that day would like to add anything else,they soon as we had recovered our birds,she was sacked.... and the birds moved to a safer enviroment..... so,look at the pictures,and tell me what you would have done,sp you see,we only take birds back for their own welfare end of