Friday 6 March 2009

the truth behind the fundraising and the law

We do not fall under the duristriction of the charities commisiion as we have never claimed to be a "charity" we are a non profit making voluntary organisation as stated here in a quote from the front page of our website above the donations button"We are a non profit making organization of national volunteers, whose aim is to help with the rescue and rehabilitation of as many birds as we are able to take in"we are acting perfectly within the law by taking donations by either receiving them through the website or by asking for donations for our birds,no money taken through the website as website owner can be considered as a personal income as all money received is done so through the account in the name of the organisation,none of this is taxable as the donator has already paid tax,that is why the gift aid scheme is available for charities to claim that tax backi hope this clarifies some points raised,if i have missed anything out,please let me know and i will be happy to answer you

the truth behind the "theft" of the green singing finch

caron had offered her canary on the forum as a members bird for rehoming,alan.h also knew of a canary in need of a home,so i very kindly along with another team member to bring the birds down the country to pauline in northampton as she had offered to take them (free of charge i might add),so this journey was a 2 leg journey,the 1st leg was from middlesborough to birmingham where i had arranged to meet jay (as i had a cage he needed to collect from me)to complete the second leg,on jay arriving (after i had to hang around for 2 hours because he was delayed so if it had not been for these 2 birds we would have been home) he had a canary and a finch,i asked who's canary it was as i was thinking 2? he told me it was alans,presuming now that both the canary and finch came intogether anyway,ive said my goodbyes to everyone and left,with the canary and the FINCH i then rang pauline en route and told her i would deliver them to her,but she was going to be out so arranged to meet her outside pc world in my home when i get there,i said hi,as you do,i said heres your canary,whilst having a good look at his scaly foot,and i said "theres a finch in there to (pointing into the back seat of my car)but i can give him a home no probs with my canary at home" at which pauline replied "oh right ok" at which point i had to leave,as i was 2 hours late and myself and hubby had prearranged plans, now......... why did pauline not say "thats my finch to" so ive gone home in bliss,thinking not only have a gained a friend for sunny,but ive also managed to rehome the poor bird,then i get a text from jay saying caron and pauline are fuming as you have stolen their finch by this time it was really late for all of us it had been a long day so at 8:44 on the 28th caron rang to say that finch was meant for pauline,i said im really sorry,i didnt realise it was her's i thought it was a ukpr bird that was in need of a home, as soon as i had put the phone down to caron,i rang pauline who's phone went straight to answerphone so i left it unitl the next morning and at 10:31 the next day i sent her this pm vikky Wrote:hi pauline..... i didnt realsie that the finch was member for rehoming bird,i thought you were getting 2 canaries anyway,let me know if you want to collect or for me to drop off......dosent matter to me either way and within hours the bird was collected by roy her husband and that was mallace no intent of "theft" all very silly,and all very easy to rectify...... so that was our thank you for bringing to birds hundreds of miles down the country,at our own expense,the FINCH of course not even being a UKPR bird....