Friday 6 March 2009

the truth behind the fundraising and the law

We do not fall under the duristriction of the charities commisiion as we have never claimed to be a "charity" we are a non profit making voluntary organisation as stated here in a quote from the front page of our website above the donations button"We are a non profit making organization of national volunteers, whose aim is to help with the rescue and rehabilitation of as many birds as we are able to take in"we are acting perfectly within the law by taking donations by either receiving them through the website or by asking for donations for our birds,no money taken through the website as website owner can be considered as a personal income as all money received is done so through the account in the name of the organisation,none of this is taxable as the donator has already paid tax,that is why the gift aid scheme is available for charities to claim that tax backi hope this clarifies some points raised,if i have missed anything out,please let me know and i will be happy to answer you


  1. any accounts available?

  2. Can I ask if you have properly accounted accounts and if you have why have you not produced any? And why if all volunteers pay for the birds keep and needs, why do yu charge a rehoming fee and where does this money go? Afterall you have stated if there are questions you're willing to answer tham.

  3. where does the "minimum donation fee" go then? what is it spent on?

  4. The silence is deafening isn't it?.....

  5. ukpr watch you are continuing to break a harrasment warning

  6. Anyone coming to the sceance then?

    They want previous owners to contact them....

  7. well they have blocked my posts now, surprise surprise.

  8. For people who want answers you are incredibly reticent about providing answers to the above questions put to you!

  9. ask the questions you want answer too then,we have nothing to hide


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