Tuesday 3 March 2009









  1. This will be my oppurtunity to give my side of the story with the questions being asked of me,and to put to sleep the rumours and the gossip of the wishfull thinkers,but first anyone reading this will need to understand that whilst being part of a rescue has many rewards,it also has pitfalls associated with freebie hunters,hoarders and those seeking self glory,unfortunately,in my short time of being involved in the rescue world,i have come across many of these who claim to have a love and devotion for birds and their welfare,sadly some do have us fooled,they have experience and knowlege,but underneath lyes a side to them that is prepared to do and say anything to get something for free,so sadly as we find these types of people out,and remove them from the rescue,they seek revenge in which ever manner they can,and i find it only practical for them that they have all chosen to congregate in one place,where all of their nasty and evil little thoughts and assumptions can bounce off each other at how they can seek revenge,well as you will see in this blog,i will answer one by one those who have questioned me,and i hope they will realise how foolish they have been in their remarks,as 1 by 1 i shall show them all that they are not only wrong,but worst of all,they have been malicious and deceitful with each other too,the truth will always out itself,and so the truth of inside UKPR begins
    please feel free to share on this blog your stories of UKPR as we know we have many very happy supporters......UKPR is here to stay,whatever the weather

  2. perhaps they should be reading this too


  3. please can i ask that all members of this blog stick to facts and not let it degenerate into the charade of others....thank you

  4. when alex (ukpr bird) went in for his mircochip, vicky waited at home at the time he was in the vets and she paid the bill over the phone, no problems at all.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. UKPR as a group will stand stronger and will be bigger than ever..
    Thankyou everyone for your support through this..

  7. UKPR have nothing to hide. We stand united and are proud of what we achieved and will NOT let people stand in our way

  8. I have tried 3 times to post on here lol no idea what I have been doing wrong! anyway I would just like to say that UKPR is the only place I have stayed an active poster/member due to the friendly and helpful, not to mention welcoming attitude of the staff and members. We can only get stronger now as a unit!

  9. As an emergency carer I have never witnessed any problem over the welfare of the birds in my care. I have always been kept informed.
    I will not be leaving UKPR as a volunteer, I now want to help out even more.

  10. This is what I am talking about, team members like the above.. Well done

  11. thats what makes UKPR ! members helping for the passion, and NOT FAKES wanting free birds, cages etc

  12. UKPR is an organisation being run by breeders not rescuers.

    A clear conflict of animal welfare.

    Alan said..."NOT FAKES wanting free birds, cages etc"

    Do you mean like you Alan? who sells hand reared baby cockatoos (£££££s) while scooping up the sad eventual outcome of these pets as 'rescues' (freebies) through the UKPR forum???

  13. OH apparantly we're even managing to stop people posting here now! How ridiculous! Why does everything have to be a drama and drawn out of all proportions? And they wonder why we just laugh at them!!!

  14. breeder??? personally,i only have 1 pair of birds set up for breeding,and that is a pair of congo's that i have had 1 baby from in 2 years

  15. If UKPR is so up front and honest why is there only 2 names mentioned so far? Alan and Vikky? Why hide your names?

    Who is UKPR ACO? Who is Emergency Carer?
    - could be anyone? are you making up accounts so you can have lots of posts to make yourself sound good? lol

    Also why start this blog when you have your own forum? Parts that are public and anyone can see? You could also have posted on the other UKPR blog why start another one?

    Is it because you can, yet again delete anything that looks bad?

    Everything I have said so far on the other UKPR blog I can prove.

    Welfare of birds is paramount, so far UKPR have proven this is not a priority. I've never seen a bunch of people act so childish, grow up please, do as you preach and put the birds welfare first.

  16. UKPR ACO said...And they wonder why we just laugh at them!!!

    You really are all deluded!

    Vikky, everyone knows you and other UKPR employees are breeders, it cannot be denied so why try making out that you are not.

  17. freebird,you were sacked from UKPR for being dishonest,you like to quote what i said to you on asking you to step down as ACO,i did say that "if only all ACO's worked their area's as well as you" but what you have ever failed to mention is that at the end of that,i also pointed to that as an ACO you need people skill's.which is something you were clearly lacking in,you knew you were on a probationary period,and you also knew at the end of that period the rest of the team you vote you in or out....... there were 3 options,yes,no,uncertain, all votes were no,we have no need to "make up" accounts,we will leave that up to you,as that was the final straw with you,registering yourself on the forum with different accounts and posting in reply to yourself at how right and clever, you were and to critise UKPR? i traced you back to you using your work pc and caught you out,these are not the actions of any normal person and so you were banned... im sure anyone who reads this,will realise anything you try to spout is pure utter sour grapes in a bid for retaliation at your embarrasment

  18. caron,you are so angainst rescues that breed,you have made arrangments for your birds to go to 2 rescues who make it known they breed from the birds they take in,which is something we do NOT do....can you explain please read your own words?


    Joined: 22 Mar 2008
    Posts: 452
    Location: North-east
    Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 9:57 pm Post subject:


    Just a suggestion but have you considered taking Nahoa to a bird park or sanctuary where he could live his life out flying about with others of his kind? I regularly visit a bird park in Desford Leicester and the National Parrot Sanctury in Lincolnshire and have told all concerned that I would want my birds to go there in the event of them being in need of a home after I'm no longer around to care for them.
    She was not quite what you would call refined.
    She was not quite what you would call unrefined.
    She was the kind of person who would keep a parrot. ~ Mark Twain

  19. Setting up this blog is not the action of a normal person Vikky when you have a forum where we can 'all' debate these issues for all to see.

    You ban everyone so nobody can speak about their truth, so the blog was a way of allowing people to speak that truth. You then go and set up a blog yourself.

    Work that one out!!!

    You state that you 'sacked' freebird for being dishonest, then you go onto say that she has no people skills which is why the tean voted 'no' as you put it, to freebird working for you.

    Which is it? Dishonesty or people skills, make your mind up.

    Lie, upon Lie, upon Lie.

    They can never stand up no matter how hard you try because they are unreal so will always be exposed for what they are when truth is brought to bare upon them.

    Everybody knows that liars create more lies to cover the first lie, and always eventually get found out.

    The lies just get bigger!

  20. oh,but hang on,a month later you say in reply to a heated debate about the parrot sanctuary that you previously stated you have visited and are happy to leave your birds to ......you have never been? didnt you see things for yourself on the various occasions you have visited before april? were you lying? cant see any other explanation

    Joined: 22 Mar 2008
    Posts: 452
    Location: North-east
    Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 11:15 am Post subject:


    I've yet to visit this particular place but hope to shortly, although perhaps with a little trepidation now, having heard some of the views on here. I feel most experienced parrot keepers can differentiate between miserable and happy birds. It will be interesting to witness first hand, how the birds seem to be in their environment...
    She was not quite what you would call refined.
    She was not quite what you would call unrefined.
    She was the kind of person who would keep a parrot. ~ Mark Twain

  21. when i introduce myself,and told every one about my lsc cockatoo dieing every one was feeling sorry for me.a and making comments must say good comments.then i told every one i was a member of safehaven parrot refuge things started to go a bit quiete ok .then i made my comment about breeding and hand rearing and bang the dummie got spit out.i was told that if i pulled the breeders down i would have my name removed from ukpr.because you have quiete a lot of breeders and you did not want them up setting .and from that time i was pritty much sent to coventry. or was it some think else ???????? strange.i thought i would have been a verry good help but no stange

  22. caron please read my post again,freebird was sacked as an aco as per vote after her probationary period and banned from the forum for being dishonest after making it her mission to retaliate for being sacked

  23. mick-sue-fisher,what possible reason would we have for outing you,you seem to have taken the announcment i made on the forum very personal and came back with a reply as if i had aimed it at you???? it was a genral post made to all members of the forum,at what point have i ever personally directed a comment to you of" you will be banned" we tried to get you involved with the forum after you obvious feeling of it being personal by getting you to talk about the swan rescue you once ran.... the point i was trying to make was... members dont have to be there if they dont want to,there are many other rescues that im sure match the criteria of what members consider fitting for a rescue,there are plenty of rescues out there needing all the help they can get,so why do members chose to stick around a rescue they dont agree with?

  24. Please remember people, Vikky has access to every word written on her forum by past members, unlike the rest of us, as threads have been withdrawn from public viewing and members banned. Posts made on other less censorious forums are there for anyone to read so its quite easy to pick out the mistakes we have made and written over our time on the forum.

    Everybody will have said something or done something they regret in hindsight, its just whether or not you accept those mistakes and rectify them.

    This is all we have ever wanted from the very beginning over JJ and Mylo, and what each person who has been treated badly by UKPR would have wanted also.

    Has this ever happened?

    One year on from the time I made those comments I have been enlightened to the bad practices of the organisations I once thought were decent and credible and I am big enough to admit I was wrong. Those words of mine are no longer valid.

  25. but surely the point is,you lied about visiting in the first place,it isnt a question about in view of new facts whether or not you have changed your mind....... you blatantly lied,or did you just forget you hadnt visited? as yet,you are to prove me a liar,i have just proven you to be one,so why should anyone beleive anything you say

    coming soon will be the story behind the seized birds (with pictures).....and i think you will find it quite shocking we do not just take birds back for no good reason..... elle,freebird and pauline all have UKPR birds....

    and the story of the stolen green singing finch

  26. I would just like to point out, that I too am not hiding behind a username..
    I would like to know if you have any proof what so ever that ANY ukpr birds are or have been used for breeding??
    Yes ukpr was set up by breeders, you ALL knew that when you joined up, but you still did so anyway.. Double standards on your part dont you think?
    I would also just like to add this bit too..
    Pebbles was with me for a while with a view to foster, unfortunatly Pebbles didnt like me or my citron crested cockatoo and would scream all day. Alan took Pebbles on, Pebbles is a happy boy now... What is wrong with that? Isnt that what its all about???

  27. Vikky, are you sure you know the meaning of being dishonest lol.

    The only reason maybe as you say “no one voted for me” is I am not a sheep lol, and won’t agree for the sake of agreeing with the rest of your team. As ever a bird’s welfare is top priority and in some of the decisions being made I upset people by not agreeing with them.

    You want sheep to help you run UKPR, not people. As for people skills you’ve proved many times you don’t have them! You’ve turned good people again you for being rude, then you blame others for your appalling behaviour!

    One perfect example below, after 2Cay2 called Elle a F*******g B******h in the office for letting Jack the black capped conure mix with her own bird, I hate to say after several months of not finding a home for him, she had also applied to keep him as no one else was interested!!! What did Elle ever do to any of you, apart from hand over money to buy JJ & Mylo toys which Adele couldn’t afford to do. Not to mention everything else she had done for UKPR only to get slated in this way for no good reason!!

    How about this as one rule for the team and another for the members.

    UKPR rule…. All emergency carers should keep UKPR birds separate to there own.
    1-11-08 7.49 pm Mandy e/c’ing Alexanderine
    Well, it is a difficult one, as when she first came here I had to put her in with mine after the 1st night. She's seperate again now because mine took a dislike to her after babying her for a while. BUt she 'could' possibly go in with another straightaway, but I would have a spare cage lined up 'just in case'. If someone needs a cage to tide them over, I can give them a spare Sonia Cage to help them out.

    What a joke.

  28. Ermmm Sorry it appears to have put me as ukpr mod, but you all know who I am anyway... Teri...

  29. It was my mistake in the first post that you have quoted.

    I have regularly visited Desford for many years, and only recently visited NPS just after Christmas.

    Not a lie, a typo error. Big difference.

    You really are grasping at straws.

    A few mistakes in my words on forums compared to a documented catalogue of lies and criminality carried out in the course of UKPR business.

  30. dddddeeeeerrrr not there for the people you stop the to help the birds,but if the resceu is useless you get out which i and a lot more have.its so funny how after i spoke out that was put on the forum.and yes i did take it personly.what you are doing is making the problem worse by beeding and hand rearing,just never ending problem.think i will just give 100percent to safehaven they appreceate what you do and dont get rid of valuable members.you wont hear from me again.you lot not worth it if you were you would let jj go to his new home and settle in there with her mate .its just how you turnd things around on that day when things went wrong.if you hade given me chance me and jay could have made a good pair.

  31. 1-11-08 7.49 pm Mandy e/c’ing Alexanderine
    Well, it is a difficult one, as when she first came here I had to put her in with mine after the 1st night. She's seperate again now because mine took a dislike to her after babying her for a while. BUt she 'could' possibly go in with another straightaway, but I would have a spare cage lined up 'just in case'. If someone needs a cage to tide them over, I can give them a spare Sonia Cage to help them out.
    yes this quote is perfectly acceptable,this was done with the agreeance of jaspers current owner and UKPR staff,as we are deliberately bonding the 2 males as if you know birds,alexandrines do better in pairs,it isnt fair on birds in EC to make friendships to have them broken when the EC bird moves on...this is perfectly acceptable practice by most rescues,the 2 alexandrines are now getting along great,and will live together now forever in the company of each other

  32. Doesnt this just show how desperate Vikky now is people, to be forced into the position of having no alternative but to answer people.

    Unlike on her forum where people are banned and their threads removed from public view. Thus silencing any debate or criticism.

    She has been brought out into the open!

  33. OMG for someone who dictates about quarantine, and then for an ACO to put a bird that has come in, straight in with her her OWN bird?

    She was on your rehoming thread for anyone to rehome, so was Mandy going to let her own bird go on the rehoming list too? That were never the original deal?

    No I think not Apple has now now bonded with another bird not one of Mandy's?

    Also talk about bad bird welfare. You can' just put birds together straight away, they need to get used to eachother first cages together etc! Anyone with a little knowledge would know that lol.

    It doesn't excuse the way you treated Elle either!! Forget to mention that one did you? People skills indeed.

  34. Yes, i'd like a reply to this: -

    One perfect example below, after 2Cay2 called Elle a F*******g B******h in the office for letting Jack the black capped conure mix with her own bird, I hate to say after several months of not finding a home for him, she had also applied to keep him as no one else was interested!!! What did Elle ever do to any of you, apart from hand over money to buy JJ & Mylo toys which Adele couldn’t afford to do. Not to mention everything else she had done for UKPR only to get slated in this way for no good reason!!

  35. Don't even get me started on people skills and how a 13 year old was treated by certain UKPR people on the forum. People skills is one thing that UKPR lacks.

  36. Keep it for 'UKPR Watch' Elle where we are compiling our picture.

  37. ukpr watch you are breaking a harrasment warning issued by cleveland police they have been informed of this fact

  38. UKPR Watch said...
    UKPR ACO said...And they wonder why we just laugh at them!!!

    You really are all deluded!

    Vikky, everyone knows you and other UKPR employees are breeders, it cannot be denied so why try making out that you are not.

    04 March 2009 02:50

    this post was made in our announcments section,3rd thread down on the 12~3~2008

    Post: #1 | Introduction to UKPR~A little about us

    About Us

    UK Parrot Rescue was formed in 2007 with the purpose of helping parrots and their owners throughout the UK. Often this is advice and support, but also includes finding suitable and permanent homes for neglected and abused parrots. In fact UKPR will endeavour to help in any situation that involves parrots.

    The team, and the work it does, is growing at a fast pace. If you would like to help out visit the volunteers section of the forum and see how you can join in.

    Some of the founding members and team members are also breeders. (UKPR itself does not breed any birds). They are responsible breeders who bring a wealth of knowledge to the rescue.
    You might want to know a bit more about this:

    Firstly there is a need for good breeders. People will always want pet parrots and this market will be filled one way or another. Without breeders parrots would be taken from the wild (which used to be common place). Not everyone wants a rescue parrot with problems or has the knowledge to care for them. A tame baby is the choice of most people.

    UKPR are in the process of compiling a list of breeders that have exemplary breeding practises. It will take some time just to formulate the minimum standards required and then to home check the participating breeders’ premises, but the long term goal is to eventually give you the means of finding the best place possible to buy your babies from.

    Sadly there are bad breeders of parrots in the same way there are bad breeders of dogs. You have no doubt heard of puppy farms and dogs being left un-neutered to have unwanted litters time and time again. It can be a similar situation for parrots. In the same way people will always want pedigree puppies, people will always want tame baby parrots, so UKPR will support the good breeders and the people that want to buy from them.

    The breeders on the UKPR team have a passion and commitment to care for all parrots. Like the rest of us they abhor neglect and cruelty. They give a life long commitment to all the parrots they have brought into this world and they are proud to be good breeders. They have experiences beyond that of pet owners, having the knowledge of aviary birds, breeding birds, babies, companion birds, tame and untamed birds, and the people that own them. They see the whole cycle of life from many different angles. They already vet prospective owners for their babies and therefore have the experience for UKPR home checking.

    No UKPR team members will be accepted if they have any ‘factory farm’ or substandard type practices or sell to pet shops. And most importantly no rescued parrots will be used for breeding.

    Some people will no doubt feel that the breeding of any parrots is unreasonable and UKPR respect that opinion, but do not hold it themselves, for the reasons already explained. If you feel this way then maybe UKPR is not for you and you would be better helping a different organisation.
    If you disagree with the breeding of parrots and wish to air this view then please PM one of the mods who will be happy to answer you, but it won’t change the view point of UKPR.
    Of course we very much hope you feel the same way we do.

    Please come and join us on the forum boards to find out much more about what we are doing to give parrots a better life. You will find a warm welcome waiting for you.

    UK Parrot Rescue, for a better world.

    i find it ironic,that those who are so against breeders that rescue had access to this information along with the 700 odd members that joined whilst having a knowlege of the fact that some of our team members also breed.. i cant see how this can be seen as hiding anything... but pauline,elle,freebird and caron were all quite happy to take birds from us breeders eh ... next.....

  39. I was the one who sadly did the home visit on caron, and I say sadly because she certainly had me fooled. You talk of your hate of breeding birds Caron, how is that? Dont you remember you little chat with me about a certain Black Palm Cockatoo that a breeder friend of yours has. Your friend sometimes has him and so do you, you said how desperate you were to get the 7grand you needed for your share in this bird with your friend. How can that be right to share a bird! What about the too you have that is so bonded to you, a truly lovely bird, however, you have a spare cage for him in the hallway that he can be put in when he get Too Much. You also told me you are doing a course at home, is that an acting course? You certainly do play a good role of being a poor inocent woman who was terrified of the THUG that turned up at your door demanding mylo, come off it caron, you and I both know that was totally untrue. Freebird, I worked in customer care for 5 years and have excellent people skills and certificates to prove it was I sad enough to have to prove anything to you all. I once, in the office, not on the public forum asked you to stop disagreing when I answered a question about a sweat shirt materiel being used as a play tent, you said they would get there feet stuck in the sweater material. As a team we dont make another member of staff look like an incompetent. Your words have suprised me the most to say the least. You were there for me when I had problems with polly and I thought of you as a friend as I did Caron, then you go and stab me in the back. Thats fine, but to all of you who think we are all sheep and followers, look at your site, what are you if not sheep and followers. But, I would only agree with something I think is right, and to hang onto a bird that does not belong to them is wrong, and to keep a bird away from its friend is wrong. But caron, must be you home learning course, you have a very good way of playing with words and making it sound very good. Dont tar everyone with the same brush please, I am with ukpr because I enjoy helping the birds. You are a very dishonest woman Caron and it saddens my sole that you have treated me this way.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Yes caron has spoken elle off you go

  42. Quote from UKPR watch blog

    "Courtesy of Marcie Terman


    You are more than welcome to post this on your site if you think it helpful. I shall try to keep this story factual in the hopes that it can be of genuine use."

    Note the words I (SHALL TRY) to keep this story factual. Is it that difficult to ACTUALLY keep things factual? or at least try and find out the truth before posting things?

    In my eyes you are all clutching at straws now or you do actually believe your own lies, there is no other explanation really because you are being tripped up and proved wrong at every turn.

    For the picky ones in "the watch" I am not hiding under another name, yvonne is my real name which was set up on my blog account already. In the rescue I am known as evie.

    I am happy and proud to be part of UKPR and you guys can say what you want, we are the ones that can sleep soundly at night! The truth will out.

  43. jacksan Wrote:
    Cry I could not sleep all night as I have just caught up with what is going on, POOR MYLO AND JJ. I am not going to get into the argument or comment in any way except to say.


  44. Freebird you question me I will answer, yes I am UKPR ACO, your point is??

    Apple WAS NOT a UKPR bird when she came to me.She in fact was bought for a friend of mine. Apple was at Leighs for 4 weeks before he was collected and bought to mine for a while. The situation changed and the friend was unable to take Apple on and therefore was put up for rehoming with UKPR.

    So there you go nothing sinister as usual as you make out.

    So before you spout off without knowing the facts CHECK. Because you are wrong. Stop dragging innocent peoples name through the mud who have done nothing wrong.

  45. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  46. Claire, There was no acting going on when you visited my home. I was happy to introduce you to my birds and the happy, healthy environment they live in. Nothing was hidden and nothing was lied about. You, yourself commented on the forum about how impressed you were. Did you not?

    As for my wish to share the cost of a £10k bird in order that she can stay in a loving home with an owner she adores... What is your problem with that?

    Lala the U2 is indeed a beautiful, special bird, as are all my babies. She was brought to me to care for as she displays some of the classical emotional problems that hand reared 'toos are so susceptible to. At the time of your visit she was becoming overwraught and was put into a cage in the hallway with treats to occupy her for both yours and her own safety. Your problem with that is what exactly?

    Yes, I have friends who breed and have no problem with responsible, caring, breeders (with the exception of Cockatoos) This isn't about breeders it's about amongst other issues, an organisation that takes on pet birds to pass on to breeders.

    I have never in my life, sold or bred a single bird and never will do but that is my personal ethics and I understand that others have theirs.

    As for 'hanging on to a bird that isn't mine' I have no intention of 'hanging on' to Mylo. He is here pending an RSPCA investigation into the best place for him to be reunited with JJ. I sincerely hope that will be as soon as possible and please just remember UKPR separated JJ and Mylo... NOT me. See my blog for details. www.ukprwatch.blogspot.com

  47. apple - male alexandrine now named alex is bonded with my male alexandrine parakeet oscar.


  48. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  49. ok......i cant be bothered to trawl through the watch blog to find the various quotes,but there has been a reference made about us going round to someones house mob handed to seize birds back,for the benefit of that person i shall not be naming them,if indeed you are reffering to this person,but that dosent matter as you all seem to know anyway...at least freebird did,because she fuelled a lot of the bitterness to start with,as well as another ex ACO... so here is the story of the poor caring emergency carer who cried herself to sleep at nights,who infact was an ACO for UKPR who was sacked,and lucky not to be prosecuted,what i am about to tell you,is not hearsay,or summising,it is factual with witnesses and pictures to back up what i am about to tell you....

    a one time ACO for UKPR was atrusted member of the team,who had many UKPR birds in her care,some short term until homes could be found,some as far as we were concerned,permanent,the ACO concerned was a housewife and so was at home with the birds 24/7,untill she had to take a job,and so her time on the forum got less and less,which is totally understandable when you are playing catch up,in the meantime,we had found permanent homes for 2 of the birds in her care,in short,a few of us tried for many many weeks to get hold of her with no reply,we tried emailing,phoning,texting,pm'ing msn'ing all to no avail,so when this had run into getting on for a couple of months with only a couple of short texts saying"ill call you later" we got suspicious and took our chances and turned up,with the intention of taking the ec birds,and finalising contracts for the birds remaing in her care...... but when we got there,we felt utterly sick at what we saw,her partner/husband had no idea at the extent of the lengths we had gone to at contacting her and apologised,we had to play it very cool that morning,as we were not able to deal with the extent of what we found on that day and politely left with a false smile and return as soon as we could ,we saw a budgie in show box,and was told by her that he had just arrived that day with someone handing him in,and were told on the next visit by the partner it was one of their birds from the aviary....... we found our too with no waterbowl atal,all other waterbowls evaporated down to a green sludge full of poo,one of our other greys in an aviary with another of their greys and a nestbox,apparently an egg had been laid,and some of our smaller aviary had apparently died on bonfire night,only our though none of their own (funny that) they had split up some tiels that had lived together all of their lives and given a couple to friend(to start off his aviary) and 2 ringnecks that had come in seperately put together in an aviary (which apparently i was supposed to have agreed to.never in a million years)
    we also found them to have only the lowest quality seed,that was all husks anyway,and not one scrap of fruit or vegetables was evident anywhere,even though there was plenty of poo at the bottom of their cages and obviously not cleaned out in a very long time,they had taken the large cage that the tiels came in and put their own bird in,and stuffed the poor lonely tiel into a tiny cage....when we pulled up their was a huge blackboard of birds for sale...like a menu board,we have also never received a 50 donation that she took and i have since had to put that in myself,i have never seen anything like it in my life what we found,luckily,we managed get some pictures while they werent looking,if anyone would like to see them,they only have to ask......im sure if anyone else there on that day would like to add anything else,they can.....as soon as we had recovered our birds,she was sacked.... and the birds moved to a safer enviroment..... so,look at the pictures,and tell me what you would have done,sp you see,we only take birds back for their own welfare end of

  50. i also need to add,that these birds ate and drank solidly for 48 hours and all needed to be wormed...... make your own conclusions from that

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. MandyD

    I have my facts thank you. Was this bird not up for rehoming then? You still tried to put the bird in with one of yours? Were you planning to keep Apple?

    Also how can you justify putting 2 birds together that don’t know eachother? Of course they would fight, I like the way you avoid this question? Your birds territory was invaded by another strange bird, did you not expect him to pick on Apple?

    Its nice to see that he has been fostered out to Tina though and has bonded with Oscar.

    What would have happened if he had bonded with your bird instead? Then what, you keep him? Lol

    Anyway not much point in posting on here anymore and Vikky is now deleting anything she doesn’t like so what is the point? Hardly a surprise lol.

    Better stick to UKPR Watch, do feel free to post on the other one ;o).

  53. freebird,
    my name has been mentioned many times as being a breeder, i fact that i have never denied, i have been a breeder for 28 years which is common knowledge around every forum you and i frequent so why try to convince people it is something i hide ?

    secondly, you ask about jasper and ollie, jasper is still in the rescue, residing with the person the owner wanted him to remain with ( fact )

    thirdly, ollie the bare eyed too is residing at the place YOU YOURSELF requested him to go to, i merely transported him on your behalf ! ( i also have pm`s to prove this )

    lastly you mention that a breeder is advertising for a female bare eyed too and a female greater in Durham, sorry sweetie i dont live in duram i live in the county of durham ( its a big place lol )so your accusing me of trying to find mates for ollie and pebbles, has anyone tried to make contact with that person ? i doubt it, as you would be proven wrong in thinking it is i, so that would be one less lie you could post to try and deceive people into believing your fabricated "truths"

    so in conclusion your basis for accusing UKPR of breeding from rescue birds is
    jasper, supposedly missing but living wit mandy

    ollie living in the place you specifically asked him to o to ( pm`s to prove )

    and some breeder advertising for birds living in the same county as myself

    ohh and why would i advertise for a female greater ? when infact i believe pebbles to be a greater x triton hybrid

    if we bred from rescue birds would we not have kept mylo and jj ? after all military macaws are expensive birds, why would we waver any rehoming fees and transport costs, which would supposedly have lined our pockets,

    your accusations dont make sense and are falling apart for everyone to see the more we are openly answering your questions

  54. I also have here a bird that was removed from this ladies home. We have to stop half way back home as the poor bird was puking up slime, and give him some water. When we got back here and after the cage had been jet washed (yes it was really that bad) he went in his cage. He had already eaten some fruit whilst in the carrier, but once in his cage ate none stop, as if his life depended on it (and yes it actually probably did). I do believe if Vikky had not called in 'on the off chance' then some of the birds we took out of there would be dead by now.

    So why are we so wrong with what we did?

  55. No Alan, wasnt it the fact that you were finding offers of a suitable home for JJ and Mylo werent forthcoming, which is why Caron was approached?

    Not an easy job suitably re-homing 2 large boisterous noisy pet Macaws is it?

  56. Or i could have just given him to mr sissens LOL
    You really are deluding yourself caron !
    my above post contains real factual answers with documented proof in my possession which will be freely given to any official body who requests them your accusations are the result of an overactive imagination, presumptions and guess work,
    i`m waiting on a response to my last post R,E ANSWERS TO YOUR ABSURD QUESTIONS

  57. so is everyone choosing to ignore the explanation of the seized birds? i would have thought if you all claim to have parrot welfare as a top priority you would have been disgusted at what she did,or are you silenced because you are shamed because you have been proved wrong? or because you listened to untruths and assumed to much without facts,after all,she would have to something for an explanation as to why she no longer had bird

  58. as i said before ukpr watch you are breaking a harasment warning as our the members of your blog by following you this is a criminal offence please refrain from anymore posts as prosicution shouldnt be nescersary.

    i am a member of this blog under spirit i was a member before you and your members joined you are breaking the harrasment order by following me this will be repoted to cleveland police as harrasment

  59. ukpr watch you are breaking a harrasment warning on this blog by posting. you are soliciting your memebers of ukpr watch to post this is against the harrasment warning i have warned you once any further posts are a criminal offence by you or any members of your blog a hard copy has been taken and will be handed in to cleveland police and my solicitor i have warned you once

  60. i was there at the ladys house.
    and i can also guarentee the state of the cages and the water bowls as well as the dietry needs i am not a liar as many of you know i do not lie and will not lie even you two said that i am an honest person as i told you on the day.
    i could never leave birds like that. my house birds get fresh water twice a day and aviary birds once a day.

  61. UKPR Watch said...
    No Alan, wasnt it the fact that you were finding offers of a suitable home for JJ and Mylo werent forthcoming, which is why Caron was approached?

    Not an easy job suitably re-homing 2 large boisterous noisy pet Macaws is it?

    04 March 2009 15:35

    yes,that is correct,as a last resort,caron was always considered second fiddle to adele as she had been their carer for 6 months and they had settled so well,she has done such a fantastic job with them,who in their right mind would consider themselves after being a carer for 1 half of a bonded pair for les than 24hrs as being the best possible home for them? you made mylo sick by subjecting him to the very substances he is allergic to,substances i might add you knew he had an allergy too,this in my eyes makes you neglegent,then to cover yourself,tried to make it look like we had sent him to you at deaths door,the reason mylo is being clingy is because he misses JJ so much

  62. i see st june ( jebirds )has arrived at long last, i was expecting you much sooner, now i see where all this has come from ! anyone reading this blog will know i have spent many months questioning june on a well known parrot forum only to be answered with vague accounts or being stopped by mods and admin and threads being locked to stop me from gaining any truths, assisted by caron ( ukpr watch) but was i assisted ? or was i duped ? is this now PAYBACK ? for questionin mrs edwards, she stated she has never bred but upon finding posts that prove otherwise she changes her story, then she says she as never sold a rescue bird, i find a post offering a rescue sulpher crested cockatoo of hers for sale then she claims she had a moment of madness LOL, I have many correspondences from caron stating her real concerns of this rescue on PL encouraging me to try to get to the bottom of things, then all of a sudden here they are together, personally i believe this little exorcise was planned to gain trust from UKPR to get mylo and JJ and pass them on to june but when only mylo turned up it put a spanner in the works ! with all the talk of getting mylo and jj back together in a neutral place my bet is they are planning on suggesting junes, but probably not now LOL
    now that is one rescue that does need outing !


  64. Freebird quote: OMG for someone who dictates about quarantine, and then for an ACO to put a bird that has come in, straight in with her her OWN bird?

    She was on your rehoming thread for anyone to rehome, so was Mandy going to let her own bird go on the rehoming list too? That were never the original deal?

    Firstly Apple had NOT just come in - He had been with Leigh for 3-4 weeks prior to coming to me. And secondly no I wasnt planning to keep him, Apple was not a UKPR bird at the time she came to me, care to speak to his original owner who signed him over to UKPR?

  65. caron said
    I may have questioned things in talking to you on UKPR

    no caron you gave questioned things many times on PL, GET IT RIGHT FOR ONCE

    caron said
    In the end your hatred towards June just got boring, same old same old kind of thing, so i should expect that is why your threads are locked and posts removed now on PL.

    Not banned though are you? At least PL allows you to stay put on their forum, allowing you to post constructive comments while you are there, before you embark on another degenerate hate June campaign - Freedom of speech!

    If anyone disagrees with this please comment.

    After speaking to June several times, and watching the threads with her comments answering questions, when it comes to parrot rescue i hold her in extremely high regard, just like many other people do.

    funny that caron as that is NOT what you said to me, i have saved all my pm`s from you as i thought they would come in handy, you are a very two faced manipulative person who posts whats in your head and not fact, shall i post your pm`s ???? i think so

    you are still trying to mislead people reading your blog into thinking i breed from rescue too`s, i have only one pair of breeding too`s ( bought before ukpr started ) AND NOT A SECRET ! that have produced one baby who had to be saved from certain death and is well documented on the other PL forum , posters on your blog including a mod on said forum have all replied sayin they would have done the same as i ( saved him ) including june on Davids PL !
    the fact of the matter is i have provided proof that this is all in your head, you on the other hand have not provided one shread of proof that backs up any of your claims, that is profound stupidity on your part, as people are seeing through you with every post you make, you keep using the word fact but facts need evidence to back up your claims, your lack of evidence shows your "facts" to be LIES

    you say you have nothing against breeders ! only cockatoo breeders, but by your own admission you own a 50% stake in a black palm cockatoo, ( value 10K ) that female is to be used for breeding, which would make YOU a cockatoo breeder yourself by owning and allowing the bird to breed, not to mention a nice lump of cash HYPOCRITICAL DONT YOU THINK ?

  66. FACT: I'm more than happy for you to post any PM's you may have kept, in the interests of 'usefulness' from me.

    FACT: I have never stated you breed from rescue cockatoos Alan.

    FACT: I may well have questioned many times on PL... Isn't that how we learn?

    FACT: I would also fully support your actions in saving Buddy.

    FACT: I do not own a 50% stake in ANY bird and have never stated that I do.

    FACT: The Palm Cockatoo I think you are referring to is a PET bird of a very good friend of mine and has never to my knowledge, been bred and there are no plans to do so!

    Check YOUR facts Alan.

  67. Sorry caron but nothing you say can be trusted !
    you can back track as much as you want

    pm sent to me from caron


    Was in the process of replying to your post regarding hand rearing toos when it disappeared!

    Would just like to say that I read your story on the baby 'too you handreared recently and wholeheartedly agree that anyone with an ounce of compassion would do exactly the same thing (including June no doubt)

    Please don't think that for one moment you were included in my phrase 'irresponsible over breeding' Although I don't personally have any desire whatsoever to breed parrots and condemn the boom industry it has become for producing so many sad outcomes... There is a world of difference between a breeder like yourself and the ones churning out babies for monetary gain with scant regard for their futures."

    Kind regards

    also said of june by caron

    "Incredible Shocked

    I wasn't a member of the forum back then but surely SOMEONE must have noticed the reference to 'all her other babies'????

    Tend to feel that the priniciple of 'give someone enough rope' may well apply to June. Though, doubtless her band of faithful disciples would shoot anyone down in flames who spoke up... as demonstrated over the past few days. Confused"


    "Laughing Thought I would try the softly, softly approach with a judicial amount of ego massage thrown in for good measure... But... You're quite correct Alan... Just a very lengthy, but ultimately, vague and sketchy explanation which is blatantly contradictory in parts. Oh well Confused"

    you say you have never accused me of breeding from rescued too`s but,

    FACT: YOU accuse me on your blog of advertising for a female greater sulpher and female bare eyed ! for pairing with two male rescue too`s,
    are you now denying that ?

    you also say you dont have anything against breeders, only breeders of too`s, does that include your " very good friend" who breeds too`s ? who YOU were hand rearing cockatoo chicks for and lost the baby`s
    you make posts on parrot links offering to hand rear parrots yet are against the mass breeding of parrots for the pet industry

    i quote "I'm not a breeder but have experience of hand rearing parrots and non psittacine species if anyone needs help with their youngsters."

    caron i could go on and on as you know posting your contradictions as i did with june, the thruth of the matter is YOU fabricated accusations against my fellow UKPR volunteers and i plainly and simply to justify your theft of milo !

  68. and if anyone who is registered on PL would like those pm`s forwarding please pm me and i would be happy to do so !

  69. Ive been trying to post questions myself on there blog but soon as you ask anything that needs evidence your silenced and the posts removed.From what i see alan shes lying through her teeth,recruited june to follow her charade based on lies,june came over to add support to a woman who calls her behind her back,i shall pm june via another forum to alert her to your post,seems caron wants every rescue known to man closed down,perhaps then opening the doors for her own so called attemps to florish.She from what i gather has 17 last count and was posting that she found it hard to have one to one with them when she only had 9.I will email you the post where she refers to this.

  70. many peoples posts have been removed casper !
    apparently lies are much more important than truths to caron !

  71. A few more 'facts' for you Alan..

    FACT: Yes, I DO deny 'accusing' you of advertising for a female bare eyed and greater sulpher cockatoo.

    FACT: My 'very good friend' does NOT breed cockatoos.

    FACT: I have NEVER hand reared a cockatoo in my life.

  72. funny how that page of your blog has now accidentally disappeared caron !

    but dont worry, the "relevant authorities" and solicitors do have copies !

    please keep digging your hole caron as you are doing a much better job of discrediting yourself than i could have hoped for LOL

  73. http://parrot-link.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=33188&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0


    Joined: 22 Mar 2008
    Posts: 454
    Location: North-east
    Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 2:16 pm Post subject: U2 Chick handrearing problems = sad outcome :(


    A good friend of mine is currently handrearing from hatch a pair of U2 chicks. They are currently 19/20 days old and one is quite smaller and less robust than the other.

    For the past week the smaller chick's crop is constantly filling with gas/air, which my friend is managing to disperse with gentle massage, but the problem is persisting. She is an experienced handrearer but has not encountered this problem before.

    Any advice regarding possible cause/remedy would be much appreciated.
    She was not quite what you would call refined.
    She was not quite what you would call unrefined.
    She was the kind of person who would keep a parrot. ~ Mark Twain


    Joined: 22 Mar 2008
    Posts: 454
    Location: North-east
    Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:14 am Post subject:


    jebirds wrote:
    Just wondering why your friend did not take the chick to the vets a week ago.

    Unfortunately, I can't really speak for someone else regarding that decision.

    I do know the benefit of experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

    I haven't personally seen the chick since the day after it hatched and, as far as I gather, she only perceived the situation with him as potentially serious on Saturday afternoon when she contacted me. I said a trip to the vet asap would probably be the first step and that I would ask for further advice on this forum. A couple of forum members very kindly contacted me with advice which I passed on. The chick did see a local vet who has quite extensive avian experience and is well regarded with bird keepers in our area (on Sunday, I believe) and an appointment with Mr Harcourt-Brown was arranged for today.
    She was not quite what you would call refined.
    She was not quite what you would call unrefined.
    She was the kind of person who would keep a parrot. ~ Mark Twain



  74. oh........ UKPRWATCH SAID:

    Showing posts for query bare eyed. Show all posts Showing posts for query bare eyed. Show all posts
    Tuesday, 3 March 2009
    Please help... Is something really fishy going on???
    Courtesy of an anonymous bird lover

    There has been a ‘Great Sulphur Crested Cockatoo’ that had been rescued by UKPR and ended up in the hands of an ex founder and breeder of UKPR who has still has very close connections with the supposed rescue service who lives in Durham.

    There is now someone in Durham asking for a hen for his ‘Great Sulphur Crested Cockatoo’.

    Add: Cockatoo hen needed

    Is this Pebbles the rescued UKPR ‘Great Sulphur Crested Cockatoo’?

    This same person is also advertising for sale a ‘Male Bare Eyed Cockatoo’.

    Add: Cockatoo for sale

    There was a ‘Male Bare Eyed Cockatoo’ that passed through the hands of UKPR called Ollie.

    Is this Ollie?

    Please help anyone.


  75. Nice try Alan/Casper but unfortunately, you have, yet again failed miserably to point out any instances where I have lied about anything.

    My friend was HAND REARING the chicks for someone else. I will reiterate she DID NOT BREED them. Most importantly 'she' is not me and these were not rescue birds! As I have stated I have no issue with 'responsible' breeders so what is your point???????

    This pathetic attempt to descredit me by trawling through old posts is the exact same tactic you have used in vain so many times to try to 'trip' June/Jebirds up. Her truth has shone through for all to see and this is the very reason I recognised you and your ilk for what you are and is why you have made yourself look so silly time and again.

    I am not a liar and you can look long and hard but will not find any evidence to the contrary. My only concern is and always has been, for the birds and engaging in childish one-upmanship games with the likes of you is boring and simply detracts from the important issue here which is those birds.

    Meanwhile... We are all still waiting for Adele's answer to my question...

    Over to you...

  76. And you still hav'nt answered mine,anything posted on your blog by yourself must be considered relevant or you would not have included it..........i am right? if im wrong apologies but why is it thre if its not relevant?

    I've asked you on your blog why do you continuously use the term convicted bird smuggler as a form of attacking ukpr and alan himself and refuse to answer the question,delete it or just simply ignore it,as you can see i can say what i want here and you and paul cannot issue sanctions,why have you stopped readers posting as annon when in your own words on your blog its welcome?

    Why do you call just behind her back evidence there for all to see yet to her face have a different opinion.

    Why did you post you have difficulty having one to one time with 9 birds but now have over 16?

    Why did your partner steal personal data to mass email people in a bid to rally support surely if everyones opinion of ukpr is the same as you and your followers they wouldnt need ''prompting''.

    Why do you deny being manipulative when in your own words say ''massage someones ego hoping for answers'' is that what you do to make paul feel good too?

    Your opinions of harry sissens are on record but apparently hes a really bad choice for any birds welfare.

    Your whole story and thats all it is has more holes in it than a tbag,like i said keep trying to discredit ukpr because when the investigations are complete and none of the official bodies have any problems with ukpr and what and how they run what are you going to be left with,certainly a far worse reputation than you are guessing ukpr has.lmao

  77. Harry Sissens???

    Who mentioned Harry Sissens?!!!

    Oh yes... YOU! lol

    These comments will all be kept in the interest of truth once this is finished. They show just how truly delusional you are and what lengths you will go to in order to hide the truth.

  78. "Why did your partner steal personal data to mass email people in a bid to rally support surely if everyones opinion of ukpr is the same as you and your followers they wouldnt need ''prompting''.

    If you believe my partner stole personal data then you should contact the police immediately, if not then what you have stated may well be construed as libellous.

    Furthermore, whatever parts of Paul I choose to massage are most definitely none of your business!

  79. UKPR Watch said...
    Harry Sissens???

    Who mentioned Harry Sissens?!!!

    Oh yes... YOU! lol

    Oh im sorry thats who everybody reading this and your own blog thinks you are refering to,if its not who is the convicted bird smuggler ukpr alledgedly gives rescue birds to for breeding,you must know as its mentioned 7 times(so far)on your blog,im sure the investigators will be asking you who this person is to seeing as you are using it against alan and ukpr please caron do not think everyone is naive here we all know who you are refering to dont we but you refusing to say the actual name is your way of no implicating yourself as your opinions of mr sissens are documented.


    The comments section of this blog is now closed until the next post is published because it is taking up too much time having to answer stupid and repetitive questions from the UKPR desperados.

    Questions have been posed here over the past 10 days, this is a blog not a forum, now go and pose those same questions to Vikky on her UKPR forum which is the place where this all started.

    If she will not open this place up to you then you do have her second home, the UKPR Truth blog.

    Much appreciation and respect to all those people who have written comments in support of this blog and its authors.

    This is not the end, only the beginning!

    “The Sword of Truth” is yet to swing.

    well that says it all dosent it,ask a few questions and caron/paul get all hot under the collar and lock the blog,dont we have a right to question?

  81. well i take it from the lack of activity over here,it is not UKPR that people are wanting answers from,its UKPRWATCH!

  82. UKPR Watch said...
    DID NOT BREED them. Most importantly 'she' is not me and these were not rescue birds!

    so are you now saying ( again ) after denying it, that i ( alan ) am breeding from rescue birds ? as you keep changing what your accusing me of, or are you now going to go through your whole blog deleting the slander, lies and fabrication as you did with your first page ? people are seeing through you caron, your own followers are questioning you and you in turn are turning on them and deleting their posts, its only the intelligent ones who have stopped posting

    i feel you have realized you have bitten off more than you can chew and are choking with no one around to slap your back !

    re open your blog

  83. Quote from UKPR WATCH

    "How dare you call yourselves a rescue.
    when real rescues are working day and night caring for birds and not trying to find ways to make money out of them.

    A real rescuer will go without food to see that a bird is fed and care for not work out how much to sell it for."

    As a rescuer myself, that is deeply hurtful. Coming from someone who is hurt when accusations are made about her, I am very surprised to see that retaliation!! And addressed to everyone who is involved with UKPR too!! Im sure everyone would be justifiably upset by that comment!

  84. Quote: To then insist that a 'foster form' is signed declaring that the bird remains the 'seller's' property is ludicrous.

    HOw is this ludicrous? When the signing of a foster agreement form secures the birds future? So if someone decides they are no longer able to care for that bird, rather than be passed round and round the rehoming roundabout, they are passed back to UKPR to secure another home for them. Many rescues decide to use the same principle, would you question their motives too? And as you are already well aware, FOSTER birds have only been removed from 1 persons house, for THEIR OWN SAFETY.

  85. i have posted this word for word on carons blog, thought i would also post it here incase it doesnt get approved as some are saying

    but i suppose thinking logically thats not really an option as june has well over 100+ birds and Mr watkins has about half as many, so if you think Mr Watkins has to many you must think that doubly of june
    just ignore me lol, i want to see mylo and jj reunited sooner rather than later, but it also seems to me that the ukpr lot are bending over backwards to achieve this goal and it very nearly happened, are you sure this is about mylo and jj as a lot of other allegations have been made, you said somewere that if both birds had been given to you there would have been no need for this very blog, does that meen you wouldnt have made those allegations or chose to forget them in return for the two macaws ???????

  86. UKPR Watch said...

    A few questions for you PL member.

    Would you like to get up and have to go through all of this every day for 2 weeks?

    Would you personally do it for the sake of the birds in question or would you have given up by now?

    Is Mylo & JJ's long term wellbeing worth fighting for?

    They might only be animals, but they have rights to be protected by humans, and offered the best possible lives that are on offer. Anything less than this is a failure to them.
    Sat Mar 14, 06:03:00 PM 2009

    no personally i wouldnt, but its not just yourself that has, i would imagine all the ukpr team have aswell

    would i have given up, i couldnt really answer that but the two macaws would be back together now if you would have agreed to the same as ukpr, you didnt, even though it was as you say your preferred solution

    i dont think caron you are at present putting mylo and jj`s long term wellbeing first,

    your right they do have rights to be protected but as above they had the possibility to be reunited away from you and ukpr and you didnt let that happen, they have a right to be together, as i see it there is only you preventing it from happening,

  87. Im sure if the general public can see through what caron/paul are trying to achieve,the courts will have no problems atall......just incase my post dosent get "approved" love that word,just shows the censorship going on over there....ive posted it here too,as im sure it wont be hand selected.........

    you choose to state that it would be unfair to "move" mylo now because of the time he has spent with you,was that a plan? as anyone with a birds welfare at heart,would have jumped at the 3rd party offer that Mr watkins had offered on the day,so why did you? they would have been reunited within hours,and why then ask Mr watkins to "give"them back to you if UKPR did sign them over to him,that seems very "underhanded" to me,and for this "plan" of yours to have worked,JJ would have needed to be moved to surrey,from stoke on trent,Mylo would have needed to be moved from your (cleveland i beleive?) to surrey? which in itself one way is hundreds of miles for the birds,then you would have wanted them to travel hundreds of miles back to you? how the hell is that in the best interests of the birds?
    out of mr watkins 60+ birds,how many are outside,and how many would mylo and jj of been sharing indoor life with?
    it just seems to me,that you are going through every perceivable option of trying to get what you want,you dont give a stuff about the birds,you are using mylo as a mascot for your hate campaign....and im not sure why you decided to post his pictures since being with you,as he looks utterly miserable,stop being so selfish and get it sorted,what happens after another 3 months and a court appearance and the law says you have to send him home? and im not sure how you will be able to use his previous carers illness,as i know of a lady who is dying,and still having cockatoo's taken to her by the RSPCA

  88. UKPR Watch said...
    I think if the pair are to go anywhere under the direction of the legal authorities then they would have no alternative but to send them to our other third party recue which is June Edwards of Parrotcare. This rescue is a shining example for how all small to medium size rescues within Great Britain should be run.

    Me again lol, why now are you inclined to let the macaws go to june edwards ? when she has twice as many rescue birds as mr watkins ? you said if they went to him they would be denied attention, you say mr watkins is not registered as a charity but should that matter when no doubt he can do more for their wellbeing with having only half the number of birds in his care, i doubt the courts will even consider june anyway as she has posted on your blog in support and also accused ukpr of the theft of a galah cockatoo, which so far is unsubstantiated and seems to have been forgotten about, that hardly makes her impartial and if no previous owner of the galah is brought forward to prove these claims it also makes her a liar ( not my personal opinion but will be that of the judge )

    again i will also post this on the ukpr blog as my post written last night was not approved on yours

  89. it seems caron is not approving posts as my last 2 havnt been, maybe her past supporters are also being denied their say also

    ukpr you must get mylo the macaw back

  90. PL member said...
    it seems caron is not approving posts as my last 2 havnt been, maybe her past supporters are also being denied their say also

    ukpr you must get mylo the macaw back

    16 March 2009 16:11

    They will dont worry,its not a welfare issue,its not an rspca issue either,no cruelty has occured and nobody is ever going to say adele is unfit to care for parrots.............basically it will come down at the end of the day ownership,ukpr can prove ownership caron cant end of

  91. caron hasnt approved my last ten or so but hey ho was wondering if a few of the pics of mylo sat by the lap top were a bit of a publicity stunt cause i remeber mylo, paul and he was biting the hell out of you. so he is suddenly chilled out and sat there nice hmmmmmm

  92. The National Parrot Sanctuary is a registered charity no. 1062413.

    Are they not closer than June & Wayne?

    June's charity status is still pending.

  93. why have we seen no pictures of caron interacting with Mylo? as it will be her that is wishing to be his full time carer? what happens if paul leaves? having had half a dozen relationships over the last couple of years,it dosent bode well that this one will last very long,and surely UKPR would not sign these beautiful birds over to paul,as until a month or so ago,had never even held a bird? and not being funny,but caron,arent you in your late 50's? these are young birds,will you be around long enough to take care of them for the rest of their lives? and can i also point out,that june at parrotcare smokes too

  94. why does she now want to send the birds somewhere where she thinks this of them,very confusing!

    also said of june by caron

    "Incredible Shocked

    I wasn't a member of the forum back then but surely SOMEONE must have noticed the reference to 'all her other babies'????

    Tend to feel that the priniciple of 'give someone enough rope' may well apply to June. Though, doubtless her band of faithful disciples would shoot anyone down in flames who spoke up... as demonstrated over the past few days. Confused"


    "Laughing Thought I would try the softly, softly approach with a judicial amount of ego massage thrown in for good measure... But... You're quite correct Alan... Just a very lengthy, but ultimately, vague and sketchy explanation which is blatantly contradictory in parts. Oh well Confused"

  95. Well one point up for UKPR. Now it's Caron that is blocking most of the posts on her blog not UKPR anymore.

    So posting this here.

    I think UKPR Watch needs to go back and refresh themselves with some of there blog! Anyway with an opinion that differs from theirs, be prepared to be abused.

    Both UKPR and Caron should now be ashamed for keeping these birds apart. Now JJ is plucking, are you all happy?

    How can Caron comment on a mutual third party home when she hasn't even been there!?!

    My heart pours out for these poor birds, so far Mylo probably feels like he is on holiday as it's still been a short time. As for JJ I really hope he is not stuck in the small back bedroom on his own.


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