Tuesday 3 March 2009

the truth behind the slander

what had UKPR done to deserve the slander and hatred campaign against them:its very simple, on our rehoming list we had 2 macaws(mylo and jj) who have been in emergency care for the past 6 mths waiting for a suitable home to come forward, in the meantime the emergency carers health deteriorated and it was found she had a medical condition which was aggravated by birdkeeping , following lots of consultations between the team, we felt it best to try and get these two rehomed as soon as possible as they had already been in emergency care for some time and so went through our usual procedure of who would have the experience that the birds in question needed and who could fulfill their requirements , it was well noted on the thread that mylo was a plucker and although the two were very much bonded and couldnt be seperated mylo did have a habit of plucking jj, this was something that the emergency carer had kept an eye on tthroughout the course of their stay and had tried to work towards, it was also noted that mylo had a severe allergy to spray and perfumes which would make his nostrils run, there was great care taken not to use sprays /perfumes or similar around him to aggravate this condition whilst he was in emergency care and this was noted on their thread , this took several weeks to discuss and go through all the relevant applications, caron having already owning macaws and experience with problems it was put to the team to make a decision.whilst there was some concerns to a previous occasion when caron was to take on a rescue too(pebbles) until it came to making the donation which she wasnt forthcoming with, it was felt by the team that caron had the experience and knowledge and it was agreed she would be given a try and see how things went with a view to permannt fostering thus giving the macaws a permanent home and releiving the health of adele the emergency carer . caron was then contacted and all was arranged, however a few hours before they were due to travel mylo attacked jj and gave her a nasty bite to the foot which was bleeding profusely(whether he sensed something was changing and it reminded him of his past we will never know, THIS WAS HOURS BEFORE THEY WERE DUE TO TRAVEL AND NOT AS THEY WERE ABOUT TO TRAVEL AS CARON HAS LED PEOPLE TO BELEIVE , as the two were very much bonded and this was unusual), things then settled but again when it was time to move them mylo tried to attack jj again.after consultation it was decided it was in the birds best interest and well being NOT to send both make sure jj was well enough, jj stayed with the emergency carer and arrangements were being made for the birds to be reunited as soon as possible.thus so far im sure you will totally understand the reasoning behind the decisions made , rightly or wrongly it was a decision that had to be made in a short amount of time.whilst mylo and jj were in emergency care UKPR were donated a pallace cage to use as they saw fit, sparkysmummy suggested it may be good for mylo and jj and at the time it was put on their thread , however mylo and jj were in stoke and the cage was located in plymouth - this was not a new cage and had been well used , and needed a good clean before it could be used for any bird .so as the decision to give caron a chance was being made it was felt there was not time or ability to get the cage from its location in time , it was decided that adele would send her 2 macaw cages which were newer and better condition to caron for mylo and jj and the pallace cage would go to adele when it was possible.when caron found this out she was not happy she wanted the pallace cage she felt she was promised or 'owed'.At this stage when mylo was delivered to carons home (a 3 hour drive) and caron found she did not have the cage she thought she was getting that problems started to arise.firstly the UKPR forums were inundated with why couldnt caron have the cage that was advertised with mylo and jj , and from our point of view that was the main concern and problem.AT THIS POINT I WOULD LIKE YOU TO THINK : THEY COME WITH A CAGE - DOES IT REALLY MATTER WHAT CAGE THAT IS? AND ALSO NO MONEY HAD CHANGED HANDS THEREFORE IT WAS NOT EVEN AS THOUGH CARON HAD PAID FOR SOMETHING SHE HAD NOT RECEIVED!!!IF THE BIRDS ARE THE MAIN CONCERN SURELY IT BE MORE IMPORTANT THAT THE BIRDS ARE HEALTHY AND WELL CARED FOR AFTER SUCH A JOURNEY AND BEING SEPERATED FROM A BONDED PARTNER -THAT PROBABLY WOULD HAVE CAUSED STRESS IN ITSELF.THE ANSWER: NO, IT WAS MORE IMPORTANT THAT THE CAGE AS PROMISED WENT WITH MYLO AS POSTED ON THE THREAD!!sad but the truth as it happened , i have no reason to sway the truth, this was deeply saddening for the people who had been involved in the care of these two birds whos start in life was happy then turned horrific with their previous owners, to then be happy again for what should have been their 'new home' to cause the same trauma all over again , as you can imagine it upset their emergency carer for the past 6mths (adele) to see the two birds seperated whilst all along is a arguement about a cage!!!!it was then a decision that if caron was as unhappy as stated mylo should be returned to adele and jj and he would have a permanent home with her(adeles health condition with the birds was more aggravted with dustier birds such as the greys whch was being sorted out at the time)caron flatly refused to send mylo back to his bird friend jj, making them suffer even more- her reason for refusal , a claim he stunk of cigarrettes and wasnt cared for properly by adele (adele owns 2 macaws herself) and that adele was not competent enough to handle them, all sorts of abuse and personal attacks followed.caron claimed mylo had runny nares and needed vet treatment which adele had not bothered to do- it was a well known fact that mylo had always had an allergy to sprays, somebody who knew theyre former owner confirmed this and when asked the transporter had confirmed that both caron and her partner had been wearing scent when mylo arrived (reason for his nares solved - a fact)the above is all truth , nothing has been fabricated at all , if we have done any wrong it will be learnt for the future, in hindsight it may have been better for the macaws not to have been moved at all, and as there were concerns over caron having these when the decision was made in hindsight we should have followed our instinct - something we learnt along the way.hindsight is easy to look back at but doesnt change anything, if UKPR has bene negligent in any of this , its because we let them go knowing there were concerns from the team in the first place, we are not perfect and we have learnt from it, at the time we were also thinking of how we could make things better for our colleague and that may have clouded our judgement in that decision .


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Please see the rebuttal of this thread on the link provided above.

  3. QUOTE from caron:Considering UKPR have a professional forum with which to speak about who they are, you have to ask the question; why have they now set up an amateur blog?

    Scared comes to mind!!

    i would just like to say was that the same reason caron started an amateur blog too- by her own admission and conscience 'scared'

  4. Funny that, I would have thought Caron started her blog as she had been BANNED from using your own forum.

  5. I have sat back over the last several days as a group of individuals took it upon themselves to destroy a legitimate parrot rescue and i am shocked at what i've witnessed.

    I have see the ukprwatch followers post lie upon lie in a deliberate attempt to discredit ukpr.The have posted between them how ukpr steals birds from the rescue for breeding,snatches birds from fosterers who question them,send around heavies who threaten them with violence and use intimidation to take birds back.

    I have watched them accuse vikky of stealing birds for herself,stealing funds and handing over birds to any tom dick or harry who had money for the donation regardless of the enviroment suitability.

    I have witnessed ukprwatch disrespect anyone who offers anything in ukpr's defence even there own blog followers,who now from what i see are starting to see carons sole motivation.She has made every excuse in the book so she doesnt have to give over mylo,first it was he isnt fit to travel,the vet confirmed he was so excuse n0 2 came along,adele smokes.

    She refuses to admit a third party was offered on the day even though later she confirmed it was herself,and her so called 3rd parties have never been revealed or themselves came to say who they are.

    She deletes posts she cannot answer regarding her so called facts hoping nobdy has noticed but forgets the whole thing is being watched by a solicitor as he builds a case a defamation against everyone who has posted lies with no evidence to support the allegations.

    In the meantime ukpr continues to do what it does best which is to help birds in need even through the attempted public lynching life in ukpr goes on and there great people still give there time freely without judgement as they have no reason to doubt what we do,most have witnessed it 1st hand.

    I for one am deeply saddened at what has unfolded and how bitter some individuals can be to want to close a parrot rescue that has done so much good.I dont hate them,i pity them,and think they should all get together and start there own and see 1st hand that its not as easy as ukpr make it look.

    Mostly and firstly i feel sorry for the two macaws being held hostage from each other as pawns in a vendetta between so called human beings.

  6. I have no idea where the best place for Milo and JJ is but for their sakes I hope egos and pride are put aside so they can be reunited asap.

    Adele, I have to say this, if you have AA then any bird will affect you as I found to my cost :-( It doesn't stay in the early stage for very long either so please be careful.



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