Wednesday 18 March 2009

the big lie !!!!!!!!!!



We have been sat here for nearly 3 weeks waiting for some action to be taken by the RSPCA to resolve this matter,we welcomed with open arms an inspection of Adeles home/her birds and her ability to care for them,as we beleived this would be a speedier reconciliation for getting these 2 birds back together again,we have sat and watched for nearly 3WEEKS!! the numerous postings that caron has made with regards to her communication with the inspector investigating us,and her acussations of welfare issues regading Mylo's health and care,i have been trying to contact the inspector concerned for quite a while with regards to the progress of the investigation as in carons words "when the RSPCA find nothing wrong with adeles home" she would have no problem to send mylo home,back to adele,and back to most importantly JJ,so understandably,we were trying to hurry this process along for the sake of the birds,as it had been over a week and we had heard nothing,thats the point i decided to chase this and push it,anyone who has read their blog,will have been led to beleive that there WAS an investigation taking place,and that CARON was in close communication with the RSPCA with regards to this,however,i can now confirm,after speaking to several inspectors,and finally the inspector for cleveland... THERE IS NO INVESTIGATION AND THERE NEVER HAS BEEN AS THEIR ARE NO WELFARE ISSUES WITH THE BIRDS IN QUESTION,AS CONFIRMED BY THE VET TREATING MYLO !!!

so caron,why did you lie!! was this another stalling tactic? infact the inspector i spoke with today,(inspector for cleveland-your local inspector)didnt know anything about this until he got the message i forwarded him 2 days ago,he has spoken with the inspector you named yourself as the investigating officer,inspector evans,but infact she had no intentions of investigating anything either,becasue their is NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE,WE HAVE BROKEN NO LAWS AND THEIR ARE NO WELFARE ISSUES WITH EITHER OF THE BIRDS IN QUESTION!!

so this is where we are at now,you have the oppurtunity to do the right thing and return Mylo,or we will be appointing an avian specialist to inspect adeles property,and to write a full report on the health and welfare of the birds in her care,and submit this report together with other documentation to support our court papers,and it will come down to ownership,simple as that,yes that may take months,but any court will see that YOU are the only ones who have not been open to resolving this,everyone has bent over backwards to get this sorted quickly for the sake of the birds,if you are prepared to further extend the seperation of these birds,it truly does show your sole initial intentions....... these are the only options left at hand now caron,it is obvious,JJ will never be coming to you


  1. She is unbelievable.I say get an avian vet to adeles to make a report on her birds and there living conditions and submit it with your other papers to a court.If its not as you say an rspca issue then it is pure and simple and ownership issue.UKPR can prove ownership caron cant,she hasn't got a hope in hell,the longer she refuses the inevitable the blacker her already blackened name becomes,leave her to it.

  2. I think everyone including her own followers with the exception of mick and sue fisher bless em have made there minds up about caron and her motives.Nobody is interested in her blog anymore,she did well at the start but her staying power let her down along with her personality,what a vile individual she is,leave her to boil in her own stew pot,shes been exposed and digging herself deeper and deeper.

  3. I always said there was nothing to investigate,the rspca have important work to do and will not bother themselves with the crap on their blog.
    From my own findings it is also clear that the milo and jj issue is not the only thing these 2 will be having to fight in court if they're not careful.
    Animal Rights? they dont know the half of it,these people are hardcore...they will object to macaws in any home let alone theirs.They obviously have to clutch at any bit of driftwood as their own ship goes down,shame they used a poor defenceless creature to do it.They also give no credit to Adele for getting Milo to where he is now.
    I dont need to post on their blog,my comments usually make the front page

  4. i dont post on their anymore either,well i would like to,but they are never "approved" so if the RSPCA have told both parties their is nothing to investigate as there are no welfare issues regarding either birds,isnt that in itself as good as an RSPCA inspection on adeles home? they are saying she has done nothing wrong effectively arent they? so will caron stand by her word of returning Mylo if nothing is found to be wrong? or will it now be something else she will use to keep him,i also see that the vet she is using isnt even Avian... its no wonder he has sent of for swabs,he dosent know what he is doing with specialised birds,caron is playing a game,and using a poor defensleass bird to do it,utterly disgusting,she has gone against the advice of those experienced enough to know better than her,just shows how up herself she is,

  5. Oh so now they admit it all in their latest feeble day it's about it's about it's about animal welfare and the rspca...bullshit.
    If there are no 'laws' implemented to govern the 'rescue' of birds per say,then at least they'll be safe as they seem to be starting up a nice collection of birds there.
    UKPR has already seen through the likes of them by taking birds out of the hands of unscrupulous people and seeing through the 'collectors' who like to call themselves 'rescuers'.
    I'm hoping for the front page again so at least it gives them something to spout on need to post there when theyve got c+p...sorted.

  6. I haven't really posted on either of these forums as, throughout, I've been on the fence about who is in the right and who is in the wrong. It's now getting to a point of madness. Mylo and JJ shouldn't be apart, should never have been split up in the first place. Does it realy matter who's telling lies? Can this not be put aside so these two birds can be returned to each others company? After all, isn't their welfare the number 1 priority? To me, I think the comments being thrown backwards and forwards are childish. Just get them back together! That is all that matters!

  7. UKPR Watch said...
    My avian vet is Matthew Brash who is a three hour round journey away from here. Careful consideration was that Mylo was too unwell to put through the further stress of that journey especially as it was suspected the three hour drive the day before with the UKPR driver may well have brought on his symptoms. The vet we used has extensive avian experience and was sanctioned by the RSPCA as perfectly suitable for sending our harvested swabs for analysis.

    Hope this answers your question satisfactorily Teresa.

    Thu Mar 19, 04:55:00 AM 2009

    too ill,what a load of tosh,she was aware that Mylo has an allergy to perfumes and such,how far is stoke on trent to redcar? im sure it isnt 3 hrs,and yes,you have quite rightly stated Mylo was sick within 24hrs of being with you,yet was never sick at adleles in 6 months,what does that tell you? your both so vain you smother yourselves in joop and christ know what else.....then say,omg Mylo's sick duuuuuur you were told before you took him to the vet that he had an allergy,its written in their thread Mylo has an allergy to perfumes,did you tell the vet that? the answer is no,you did not,why not? and if Mylo was so ill,wouldnt you want him seen by a specialist?isnt that any bird keeper worth their salt tells another,you only have to look on any forum and you will see the first thing anyone says is,make sure you see an avian specialist as general vets dont know what they are doing,so why did you caron? another stalling tactic? and how has paul become such an authority of avian welfare in 2 months? your nasty,plain and simple nasty,you preach from the bible,you will have to answer to your maker one day,he knows the truth

  8. im afraid every avenue for getting these 2 birds back together again has been rebuffed by caron,so we are left with only one now,and that is court,

  9. of course lies matter! if you are accused of something you didnt or havnt done do you not defend yourself? especially when that person is trying to damage your reputation,if caron says im not giving mylo back because of this this and this in order to be beleived and stand some kind of moral ground,do we have no right to say your a liar?

  10. Defending yourself is fine. I don't argue that as, in this situation, I would want to defend myself if I was being accused. I just think that the two situations - that of Mylo and JJ and that of Caron against UKPR - should be kept seperate. Mylo and JJ should be together. I'm not interested in the rest of it as I don't know the true and complete story and never will. I'm only interested in the bird's welfare and they should be together. It makes me so angry to think that they're being kept apart I'm not accusing anyone or siding with anyone. I just think this has turned into chaos. I would post the same comments on the watch blog but not all comments are accepted. My comments aren't just pointed at UKPR but also at UKPR Watch.

  11. This woman and her husband are an absolute joke. She is making even more of a fool of her self day by day. Someone commented on her blog that she was using Mylo as a mascot for her hate campaign, and I 100% agree.

    She posted a long rant about contradictions, her blog is so full of them that I could actually start my own blog based upon them. I may do this, there is plenty of material to work with!

    Repeating herself over and over is not answering the questions. Deleting posts and now not allowing anonymous posts, she is as bad as she makes Vikky out to be.

    She is a sad, pathetic hypocrite who needs to grow up. Obviously they have way too much time on their hands. Slagging off people for having birdrooms or back bedrooms for birds, in the fantastically staged photos of her with Mylo her house is immaculate. Considering she owns 17 birds or something along these lines, do they have free roam of the house? I think not, otherwise we would see evidence of them.

    I think she is a selfish pathetic time waster.

    One minute she says it's about the welfare of the birds, next she says it's the 'fact' that Vikky lied. Which one? make up your feeble little narrow mind.(Yes I will insult you in this way as you seem to deem it fit to do the same by callin others, such as Bella, 'stupid'.)

    She clearly doesn't care about JJ in the slightest so why the hell would anyone want to give him to her?

    Oh, and she should go and work for the RSPCA if she's so great at judging animal welfare, although what she classes as the bird's poor welfare is in fact, Adele's welfare. Adele is the one with the illness, and she is an adult, i'm sure that she can judge for herself if her health is up to it. Oh no, sorry wasn't it that Adele couldnt handle Mylo? A relative of mine has several birds, doesn't handle them constantly but still talks to them and gives them love and attention.

    Birds, like all other animals, have instincts and it doesn't matter how much you domesticate them, they still prefer the company of their owm kind. Fair enough if Adele shut Mylo away by himself all day then that would be unfair, but he is with other birds is he not? We hand rear these birds for our own selfish reasons, and i'm sure that given the choice, Mylo would rather be with other birds than people fussing all over him all the time.

    Would they still be having their UKPR campaign if they didn't have Mylo? I think not. Because if you read the comments of the 2 or 3 followers they actually have (because everyone else has become mind numbingly bored of the situation) it's about Mylo, and personal comments about Vikky and Adele, not actually about the supposed 'shady dealings' of UKPR, blah blah blah.

    Yes i'm anonymous as I don't wish to have my email spammed by you, UKPR watch, but my name is Emily. See, like it makes the blindest bit of difference! I still think you are a pair of idiots!

    And yes, I too have had my comments declined by Caron and Paul. Wonder why?!

    May have to post this over and over again, see if people do get my point, or whether people will just get bored of me repeating myself! Remind you of anyone?!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Defending yourself is fine. I don't argue that as, in this situation, I would want to defend myself if I was being accused. I just think that the two situations - that of Mylo and JJ and that of Caron against UKPR - should be kept seperate. Mylo and JJ should be together. I'm not interested in the rest of it as I don't know the true and complete story and never will. I'm only interested in the bird's welfare and they should be together. It makes me so angry to think that they're being kept apart I'm not accusing anyone or siding with anyone. I just think this has turned into chaos. I would post the same comments on the watch blog but not all comments are accepted. My comments aren't just pointed at UKPR but also at UKPR Watch.

    19 March 2009 08:42

    yes i agree,its an absolute nightmare,and as far as UKPR is concerned,the answer is simple,send Mylo back to where he should be with JJ,that is what should have happened the day we asked for him back,then inbetween,caron has no because of A,B,C,D etc,this blog was opened within hours of us asking for Mylo back,what the hell right does she thinks she has to do that?Mylo's best interests apparently,as far as UKPR is concerned,if caron,or anyone else for that matter has concerns about the way we run UKPR why can that only be done whilst Mylo is in carons care? i am of the beleif that carons reasons for witholding Mylo are for her own selfish reasons,and nothing atall to do with his welfare,the RSPCA certainly see no issues,so what her an authoritive position to give directions on where we place a bird that dosent belong to her,yes,its sad to take it down to ownership,but say for instance you went on holiday,you take your bird to a boarders,and when you come back you are told"your not taking him,he's staying here becasue i can care for him better than you" what would you do?what would you say? what would you then think,if that person then emailed your family and friends to tell them you are unfit to keep your bird?

  14. I agree that, if the RSPCA have deemed Adele suitable to house Mylo and JJ then they should go back to her regardless to how Caron feels about UKPR. Also that Caron's issues with UKPR should be conducted without withholding Mylo. Adele has rightful ownership and yes it's sad that it comes down to ownership but, as a third party wasn't agreed on, it also seems to be the only way forward. If Caron continues to refuse to return Mylo to JJ then I would say that going to court would be all you could do. Have any of you spokent to a solicitor about this?

  15. Caron has only decided she has issues with ukpr since she didnt get her own way.
    It was plain to see that members had been banned and birds had been taken back from their emergency was posted all over parrot links..for months.
    What did she and captain bullshit do then?
    The issues raised about 'taking' birds back and banning members were private matters between ukpr and the affected party.I never received a single 'sympathy' vote from them,they just joined in the gossip with everyone else. Concerned about past members who were banned and or had birds removed (with good reason)...I don't think it's happened to them they want every person who ever fell out with ukpr to come forward.Where were you you selfish gits?Planning to take what wasn't yours?Listening to advice from people who know nothing,but you can't listen to those who know better.
    Get over it...if you were ever part of ukpr and you are now not..get over yourselves and move on.I keep hearing 'it's all about the birds' well it never is with some people it's about revenge.The 'birds' are still out there and sadly they will keep coming.Just because ukpr do not have flights full of birds and endless cages of birds to show off to anyone,;just because they do it their way,and it works.Let them get on with it,let it be about the birds...not about handing over the crown for best rescuer.
    Each to his own..if you don't like it then get lost.Go somewhere else for your freebies.
    Parrot links and the others are bored with it all and wouldn't give them the platform they wanted so they start a blog...everyone is bored silly with it now.

    As for micksuefisher's comment about the tried to take on the swan sanctuary.I grew up in Egham and watched Dot Beeson build this from the ground up.Do you honestly think you could have won your argument.I hope ukpr have the same success as Dot did,weeding out all the idiots who try to pull it down, along the way.

  16. Yes we have spoken to several dealing with civil matters and ownership disputes,the paper work is with ukpr and is being filled in with the revevant back up docs and it will be away with the 150 pound fee on monday morning,caron doesn't stand a hope in hell of retaining ownership of a bird that isn't hers,the court isn't interested in blogs,allegations and anything other than the ownership issue,the 150 pounds plus additional cost will have to be paid by caron once the magistrate make judgement in ukpr's favour........the sad thing is caron knows she cannot contest ownership and was only ever an emergency carer but court cases especially civil take quite a while,imo if your going to have to hand mylo over anyway why prolong the separation,she wont be judged well for doing this especially now its proved jj is suffering because of it.

  17. posting pics of an 11 yr old boy with milo...shame on them for dragging an innocent child into this.what an example to set the boy about 'taking what isn't yours'.

  18. True, court cases take time but also true that Caron doesn't have a chance now. If it comes down to ownership then Mylo should just back to Adele. Surely Caron must've worked this out by now and I don't really understand why she won't just accept that it's time for Mylo to go home. Why drag Mylo and JJ through court when Caron could and should just let Mylo go? Total madness

  19. Look at her latest post on her blog,her mouth is yet again flapping saying the same old rubbish,we checked with the relevant people regarding cities and were told aslong as hes not sold or used for breeding theres no problem so thats that out of the window,caron is trying every trick in the book and fast running out of options,meanwhile the court date is getting closer and closer.look on her blog nobody is interested anymore all her followers as in about 3 have abandoned her to take the can herself,she just speaks alot but nothing really comes out does it.Once this is over,and it will be eventually,her name will be mud amoungst the parrot world and she will be considerably out of pocket to boot.

  20. UKPR watch said...
    I suppose all people who lie are ‘contradictory’ by a clear definition of the term because what they state is the opposite of the truth, thus a contradiction.

    UKPR watch said...
    The only point in question from this side of things, that is not disputed, is that we refuse to give Mylo back to UKPR because of their lies and deceit which are at the centre or our reasoning behind why he should not go back.

    UKPR watch said...
    Considering in this instance, that the future welfare and wellbeing of Mylo was at stake, it was decided that he should not go back into the hands of Vikky because his welfare was not her priority, and considering he was a rescue bird, he had been through enough already, so as caring humans we were going to defend his rights to be protected from being abused at all costs.

    mmm... contradiction anyone?! Which one Caron and Paul, welfare or Vikky's 'lie'? You've spouted so much rubbish (that you have labelled as fact) that you can't remember what the point is! Or is it a lie upon a lie upon a lie, and you can't remember what the original lie was?

    UKPR watch said...
    It was made perfectly clear to us that there were more people who had stepped forward and given information to the RSPCA, so we were sure in our own minds that the RSPCA knew what was going on and were aware of UKPR and this blog.

    UKPR said...
    The RSPCA have now stated there is no investigation, but considering this has been played out in the open on this blog for everyone to follow, do they really need to do their own investigation?

    Um, actually I have spoken to the RSPCA and among other things they have said they have no concern over your blog as it is timewasting, they have ACTUAL animal welfare cases to deal with!!!

    UKPR watch said...
    If Mylo could speak what would he say? “ I want to stay here with you where I am happy so please defend my rights”, or “send me away again to a place I don’t know, to people I don’t know”?

    HE'S A BIRD YOU DELUDED FOOLS!!! I'm sure he'd actually be flying about, with his own kind that listening to you typing all the time (as that's what you seem to do) and harping on about Vikky telling lies, etc etc.

    And please don't get me wrong when I say he's just a bird, but seriously, get a grip. He deserves to be happy but do you actually think he knows what his rights are? No. That's why they have real animal rights defenders who would lynch you like a shot for having him in your house for your own amusement and happiness, and for using him as a weapon in your little 'campaign'. Not yours but his happiness you say? I say would you keep him if he was happy and you were unhappy and he was causing you misery? Er, no. If you had animal rights in mind you wouldn't be keeping them in your house!

    You have harped on about animal rights in your blog, did the animal rights act say "all animals have the right to live in a 3 bed semi, with central heating, a tv to watch and should have at least one child to mess around with even though it just wants to sit and look out of the double glazed window?" No.

    Sure if Mylo had the choice he would've chosen the bloody aviary with 60+ birds.

    Who said free bird? Oh yes! Because they're quite pricey aren't they Caron and for someone who didn't even want to cough up a few quid previously, their was no way you would be getting another one for your collection and paying for it!!!

    Hope UKPR do beat you in court (when you're minus a few fingers!!!!)

  21. Well said,as her blog shows shes lost face with everyone,her last 3 threads have recieved a total of 5 comments and those all seem anti caron except the couple who are blinded by her fancy talk

  22. To be honest i think silentshout is either caron or paul. And mike sue fisher dont even get me started on him!!! Caron has her hand so far up his behind she is playing him like a puppet!!!

  23. Well I did ask them, 'what the way forward was?' So far there is no reply. I also asked if they could afford a court case? Again no reply to that one either.
    I dont understand why they felt the need to involve another governing body, well yes I do, more delay the inevitable tactics...

  24. Well i wasn't actually going to post this as all im doing to letting caron know her latest reason for keeping mylo wont wash either but i will post just to save her any further embarracment,and wont post on her bog(yes bog) as its only for ukprwatch deciples.

    A. Caron has paid nothing
    B.No ukpr bird is sold,people pay a minimum donation if they want to to cover costs,its not a case of if you dont pay you dont get.
    C. Every fosterer signs a contract stating the bird remains the property of ukpr,if thats not signed then the bird does not go to them.
    D.Every bird that has came through ukpr is recorded,we have the name and address of where it came from,the name and address of who fostered it,the date,the donation recieved if any and the contacts being a transfer of ownership contract signed as the bird is handed over to ukpr or the contact signed by the fosterer,the list of birds we have rehomed is and always has been public knowledge.

    I am sure once caron sees she cannot use excuse number 5 she will soon find number six and each time she his drawing a black.Sooner or later she will run out of options and be left with one,the only one she ever had...........i wont hand mylo back because i dont want to........thats when the court tells her she has no choice.

  25. Nearly forgot


    Post: #7

    caron Wrote:

    I've followed JJ and Mylo's story from the beginning and so sad to hear they are still looking for a forever home. I'm astonished that no one suitable has come forward to take them on.

    My budget for rescues this year has been stretched beyond it's limits or I would put my name forward for consideration in a heartbeat. They would fit right in with my little lot and be able to happily have free run of the bird room with my three other macaws.

    From what I've seen on the forums you've done a wonderful job with them so far and I really do hope these two little sweethearts find their permanent home soon.

    Kind regards

  26. I see caron continues to dig the hole,and is not saying if ukpr dont recieve a donation the bird doesnt go to the fosterer.She really has no clue does she,please everybody look at the rehomed birds section on the ukpr forum which goes back to when we founded and see how many birds we have recieved donations for and how many we hann't recieved donations for...........kinda kicks her theory into touch..............AGAIN!

    She is really starting to bore everyone now,everything she says is second hand info from disgruntled ex sacked members,evrything she has used we have answers for with proof theres a diffence,and still mylo and jj are kept apart by the bird thief.

  27. Caron LIES yet again,like in my previous post i refer to having proof unlike carons fabrication of anything


    ukpr watch said:A Triton Cockatoo named Pebbles was offered to Caron on an emergency care basis with a view to long term fostering, but because she would not pay the £150 'donation' fee for him, Pebbles was prevented from reaching his destination and had to stay with his present carer.

    So she is saying we wouldnt let her foster pebbles because she wouldnt pay yes?

    A pm from caron regarding her taking pebbles


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    Hi Vikky,

    I've been contacted today and asked if I will take on a Harlequin Macaw who's owner needs to rehome him. I felt it unfair to turn this request down, on the chance that I'm chosen to rehome Pebbles, so have agreed for him to come to me.

    The bird has some behavioural problems that I will be needing to address, so it would probably not be ideal to be taking on both him and Pebbles at the same time.

    Consequently, with much reluctance, I feel I should withdraw my application for Pebbles.

    I'm sure, that Pebbles, being, as you say, such a steady bird, will have no problems finding a suitable home from the forum. However, if this does prove to be a problem please do not hesitate to contact me and perhaps we can sort something out.

    Kind Regards


    Seems she changed her mind?obvious by reading this isnt it.................shes a liar

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. I fail to see your point! a load of foul mouthed yobs hum I cannot remember being foul mouthed, insistent on answers yes foul mouthed nope and as for being a yob nothing could be further than the truth. I have been a treasurer of a Crime and Safety Group 3 years this month, I work alongside the police, so I doubt I fit in with your assumptions of being foul mouthed and a yob.

    Now plz if you want to say something say it nicely and I may respond in kind.

  30. Quoted by PAUL on UKPRWATCH

    Makes you look a little stupid...

    Yet again the very insult that was complained of by PAUL is thrown back at people who DARE to question him. And people think UKPR are aggressive? Read through their blog, their have been things said on UKPR's side agreed, but at what baiting from them? Blatent lies? But you read through anyone who dares to disagree with PAUL (not Caron) and they get mud slung at them!

  31. Take no notice rob,unlike ukpr watch we dont delete or refuse to publish posts we allow people to speak there mind.Annon can i ask you to copy and paste the foul mouthed posts you refer to? i would like to make sure they actually exist and its not just another LIE!

    But you cant i guess as its yet more cobblers

  32. I have said it time and time again - Paul gives it out by the shovel load but reacts in an amazing way if anyone says the same back.

    His blog is designed to engender an only one opinion and if you only used his blog to form that opinion you would have the same twisted views he has of UKPR.

    He is not being measured in his arguments - each one is designed to either attack or manipiulate people into his ways.

    He has openly asked people to tell him their negative comments so he can collate this and publish it and yet I see few real and true stories of neglect on his blog....where are they all?

    He is so sure that he is right he is blind now to anything else being the case.
    think to yourself if you wanted to find out how a company or and organisation operated you would ask people for their unbiased stories both good and bad so you could form an opinion.
    what you have here is an opinion already formed and a blog being used to try to validate this reasoning.

    I do not see the big name followers on there anymore and these guys have deserted the sinking ship to use their own analogy of UKPR.

    I think it has been proved in no uncertain terms that this is not about the welfare of a bird or indeed the concerns of an individual over how a group operates.
    this is just a couple of pious folks getting their own back.

  33. I am going to post a copy and paste from the Constitution of the group I am treasuer of. This is however worded to suit the group but I am fully aware from what I have learned over the past 3 years that UKPR have done no wrong is asking for donations or raising funds to enable them to continue rescuing.
    3. Powers
    3.1 To publish or contribute in the publication of any newsletters, leaflets, or other publicity materials, hold or facilitate meetings either solely or in partnership with others.
    3.2 Collect and disseminate information on matters affecting the above and exchange such information with other bodies having similar purposes.
    3.3 To acquire property or assets for the promotion of the above purposes, to maintain the aforesaid assets and to dispose of the assets as required and in the interest of the group.
    3.4 To enter into contracts, make funding applications, raise funds, and accept gifts and contributions to assist in the delivery of the stated objectives, providing they do not undertake any permanent trading activities in raising the funds.
    3.5 To report to the Multi Agency Action Group on a regular basis.
    3.6 Do all such other lawful things as are necessary and appropriate for the attainment of the above purposes.
    Please note 3.4 above, that stands for every voluntary group in the UK. UKPR have done nothing contary to UK Law.
    I went to vikky myself to ask about the up and coming changes for 2009 because I felt as a group they were doing the right thing. I offered to advise on such things as a Constitution and I even offered to get them some funding once thay had things in place. Caron you asked what it was I do best, well this is it, I HELP, I do not suppose you like this but hey if it sticks in your throat have a good gulp of water to help it go down. I shall continue to help because it is not about Vikky or Alan or anyone else it is about the BIRDS. If there is anything I can do to assist then as a bird keeper it is my duty to help not hinder.

  34. I am a member of ukpr, i will NOT be posting on there anymore a lot of pms ive recieved from ukpr members have also said the same, im one of those who sat on the fence but now reading the whole of this THE BIG LIE!!and also the comments that are being posted on the forum to score points,this isnt about the birds and you need to step back and see how you are looking to the outside world

  35. Sorry you've believed carons hate campaign and believed the big lie ....please before you go read this and think about whos lying,the proof is there showing carons story telling capabilities what proof have you seen that ukpr is anything other than what they show themselves to be

    Anonymous said...
    Caron LIES yet again,like in my previous post i refer to having proof unlike carons fabrication of anything


    ukpr watch said:A Triton Cockatoo named Pebbles was offered to Caron on an emergency care basis with a view to long term fostering, but because she would not pay the £150 'donation' fee for him, Pebbles was prevented from reaching his destination and had to stay with his present carer.

    So she is saying we wouldnt let her foster pebbles because she wouldnt pay yes?

    A pm from caron regarding her taking pebbles


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    Joined: May 2008
    Status: Offline
    Reputation: 1

    Hi Vikky,

    I've been contacted today and asked if I will take on a Harlequin Macaw who's owner needs to rehome him. I felt it unfair to turn this request down, on the chance that I'm chosen to rehome Pebbles, so have agreed for him to come to me.

    The bird has some behavioural problems that I will be needing to address, so it would probably not be ideal to be taking on both him and Pebbles at the same time.

    Consequently, with much reluctance, I feel I should withdraw my application for Pebbles.

    I'm sure, that Pebbles, being, as you say, such a steady bird, will have no problems finding a suitable home from the forum. However, if this does prove to be a problem please do not hesitate to contact me and perhaps we can sort something out.

    Kind Regards

  36. And who is this caron? or paul?

  37. Funny that
    Here is a posting from two weeks ago on tother blog
    Was this about the money or the bird

    Midge said...
    Well how interesting is all this? I only spoke to Vicky once, and that was enough. I had been approached by someone who knew I had Too's and experience with them. I can never agree with the white Too's being bred and reared as pets, they are way too needy a bird to be someones toy for a while. But when I was asked if I could take on Pebbles, a so called GSCockatoo, I said I didnt need another Too, but was willing to speak to the woman whose number I was given. I spoke to Vivky and told her who I was, and she said she had been waiting to hear from me. She told me all about Pebbles and seemed happy that I knew what I was doing with cockatoo's. Then I said but I really dont intend to 'donate'£150' to take him on. My exact words were, 'I dont need another cockatoo, but maybe Pebbles needs me' a deadly hush came over the phone, and then,'Oh, well we need to discuss this with(the person who first approached me) and I will get back to you' I am so glad I didnt hold my breath, I was worried where the bird would end up, so asked around,he was homed with a UKPRmod, who had already had to give up one Too because he bit her and scared her!! and then poor Pebbles went on to someone else, where I pray he isnt used to breed, how many tame cockatoos die because some grasping moron wants to breed from them? and interestingly enough, if Pebbles was a GS, I would eat my hat!! and not even a hybrid, he is a Triton through and through. Sorry, I had no intention on joining in on this, but stupidity and incompetence and birds being put second to greed and vanity totally leaves me steaming!!

    So is this a lie aswell ?

  38. I wish people would put their names up in getting veeeeeeeery confused :|

  39. Id just like to post this here too maybe someone would care to answer for me?

    "Well im fed up of being silenced over on carons blog at least people are allowed to have an adult conversation on here without being basically banned or posts deleted.

    A few questions i would like someone to answer (especially dorrie or mike sue fisher).

    1. Does it not seem at all questionable to you all that caron is now stopping people posting on there?

    2. As you can all go and read she is labelling me a 'follower' and keeps mentioning me in various posts but yet i have not got the right to answer. I am not at all a follower i simply corrected caron and highlighted her blantant lie. YES i am a member of ukpr ive had no trouble what so ever on there and also had two birds from ukpr with no trouble, but now caron is saying ukpr is bad should i now be a sheep and remove myself from the site because caron said so. Vikky has been nothing but kind to me so why i should i leave?

    3. Caron denied knowing or being involved with whoever sent out the mass emails giving the link about their site, but then she admitted that she knew it was freebird. Does this not set alarm bells ringing for any of you? She then removed her post with the confession as she knew this would make people question her but im not allowed to mention this on her blog thats why my posts have been banned.

    Please guys think about this long and hard. question why caron and paul have done these thing PLEASE!!! I am in no way trying to make you all support vikky as you all have your own opinions but please open your eyes to caron and paul.

    Id like you all to look at my posts and honestly ask yourselves am i really a follower or do i just have my own mind but because i disagreed with the almighty caron i am labelled something im not because she knows if she says that that many of you will just believe her.

    Here are a few quotes from their blog involoving me

    "Those ‘dead heads’ who choose to ignore the truth and facts can vilify our position over not now letting Mylo go but its meaningless because it just shows you for who you are (Bella)."

    Nice huh? im now a dead head because i gave my opinion. Please go read all my posts and ask yourselves does that even make sense to include me in that post or was it just a clever way to drop a name and make you all disbelieve me?

    "Especially you Bella, who was advised to find the truth before attacking people, but declined."

    ANOTHER lie please go and look at my posts i never once refused to find out the truth its actually the complete opposite i said that i was going to do just that and i did! but yet again im not allowed to post that on there. WHY?"

  40. Can you answer this one

    Funny that
    Here is a posting from two weeks ago on tother blog
    Was this about the money or the bird

    Midge said...
    Well how interesting is all this? I only spoke to Vicky once, and that was enough. I had been approached by someone who knew I had Too's and experience with them. I can never agree with the white Too's being bred and reared as pets, they are way too needy a bird to be someones toy for a while. But when I was asked if I could take on Pebbles, a so called GSCockatoo, I said I didnt need another Too, but was willing to speak to the woman whose number I was given. I spoke to Vivky and told her who I was, and she said she had been waiting to hear from me. She told me all about Pebbles and seemed happy that I knew what I was doing with cockatoo's. Then I said but I really dont intend to 'donate'£150' to take him on. My exact words were, 'I dont need another cockatoo, but maybe Pebbles needs me' a deadly hush came over the phone, and then,'Oh, well we need to discuss this with(the person who first approached me) and I will get back to you' I am so glad I didnt hold my breath, I was worried where the bird would end up, so asked around,he was homed with a UKPRmod, who had already had to give up one Too because he bit her and scared her!! and then poor Pebbles went on to someone else, where I pray he isnt used to breed, how many tame cockatoos die because some grasping moron wants to breed from them? and interestingly enough, if Pebbles was a GS, I would eat my hat!! and not even a hybrid, he is a Triton through and through. Sorry, I had no intention on joining in on this, but stupidity and incompetence and birds being put second to greed and vanity totally leaves me steaming!!

    So is this a lie aswell ?

  41. some posts have been deleted as they were deemed inappropriate, thankyou

  42. Anonymous said...
    There you go Bella......they delete posts on here that they deem inappropriate....but dont answer the questions......hypocrites

    20 March 2009 00:21

    Why mention me? did i miss something? mine is still there.

  43. i can certainly asnwer the conversation question with midge......

    i was really looking forward to having that conversation with midge,she sounded ideal,plenty of experience,she did indeed sound a lovely lady...... BUT the silence came when she said "well i dont really want another too,and i certainly DONT NEED another too,but i suppose i can make room for him somewhere" this was said in a kind of sighing droll voice that was obviously in "if i have to way"

    well im sorry,thats not the kind of attitude i expect from a potential fosterer,i was gobsmacked by the choice of phrase,at that point i tried to politely get out of the converation with my mind already made up,
    why the hell would i send any bird where they arent full of enthusiasm at them being there,we want all of our birds to be cherised and welcomed,we want potential fosterers to feel some kind of excitement at having them in their lives,we look at these birds that we have available for fostering,no differently that if they were our own birds we were having to rehome,if any of you had to rehome one of yours,and you spoke to someone who had contacted you to take them on,what would your thoughts have been after hearing that? would you have rehomed them with her? hope that answers your question

  44. Well i guess caron and paul are too scared to answer my questions then!!!

  45. I would like to add something to the Pebbles scenario... At NO time was I asked for any donation for Pebbles.
    I wish it had worked out differently, but it didnt and if I am held accountable for giving the bird up, to live with someone who is is happy with, then I stand guilty as charged!!!

  46. I am known as Rubytoo on forums/boards.

    Who do these birds "belong" to legally?
    Were they signed over to ukpr by the RSPCA?
    Or simply given.
    I , perhaps naively assume... any further fostering agreements/ownership would have been filled out/drawn up, signed, then the birds handed over....or not.

    Sorry have no idea how to post did not mean to be anonymous

  47. caron/paul if you are so into bible quotes read these?

    Exodus 20:15 Thou shalt not steal.

    what about

    1 Corinthians 6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

    be humble

    Be humble
    Humility or being humble is a quality of being courteously respectful of others. It is the opposite of aggressiveness, arrogance, boastfulness, and vanity. Acting with humility does not in any way deny our own self worth. Rather, it affirms the inherent worth of all persons. Humility is exactly what is needed to live in peace and harmony with all persons. It dissipates anger and heals old wounds. It allows us to see the dignity and worth of all God's people. Humility distinguishes the wise leader from the arrogant power-seeker (Proverbs 17:7, Matthew 20:20-28).

    Be honest
    Honesty and integrity are held as very important values throughout the Bible, and any deception to gain an advantage or harm another is prohibited by the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:16) and other Bible passages. Deception may be by false statements, half-truths, innuendo, or failing to tell the whole truth. It is all too common in advertising, business dealings, politics and everyday life. We must strongly resist the temptation to engage in any form of theft, cheating, deception, innuendo, slander or gossip.

    Don't be self-righteous
    No one is perfect; we are all sinners in one way or another (Romans 3:23). Living a moral life means taking responsibility for controlling our own behavior. If we say or even think we are better than people we consider to be "sinners," we are guilty of the sin of self-righteousness. It is not our right to look down on, criticize, judge, condemn, or try to control other people. Judgment is to be left to God. Jesus said,

    Do not judge, so that you may not be judged. For with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get. Why do you see the speck in your neighbor's eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your neighbor, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' while the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor's eye. (NRSV, Matthew 7:1-5)

    food for thought i think?

  48. There is food for thought there on both sides dont you think. The shame is that this is no longer about the birds.... its point scoring now.
    Look how senior members of this rescue acted on another forum not so long ago with a merciless attack on another well respected rescuer....what is that all about. Are ukpr the only ones that are right. As has been rightly said - judge not, lest you be judged.
    Humility and honesty are big burdens to carry, too big obviously for most.

  49. I am known as Rubytoo on forums/boards.

    Who do these birds "belong" to legally?
    Were they signed over to ukpr by the RSPCA?
    Or simply given.
    I , perhaps naively assume... any further fostering agreements/ownership would have been filled out/drawn up, signed, then the birds handed over....or not.

    Sorry have no idea how to post did not mean to be anonymous

    Hi rubytoo,UKPR "legally" "owns" Mylo,the RSPCA inspector on the day signed our transfer of ownership paperwork,we also have the paperwork signed by adele as emergency carer,who will also shortly be signing their fostering contract,caron has signed nothing,as she would not have been expected to sign the emergency care contract untill she had JJ there to

  50. well isnt that theft then?

    she has no legal reasons to keep mylo?

    theft is theft (taking something that doesnt belong to you)

  51. Rubytoo again here...
    Thanks for answering my question..
    There was a big mega muck up then, on the day...
    Sorry but I do think that Adele should not have sent Mylo on separately. Daft woman...what were you thinking of ducks?

    If Caron has not signed anything, Mylo should be returned to be with His Soul Mate JJ.

    You have all fooked up badly. I am sure that you have learned from the mistakes, and will conduct things better in the future..sorry for sounding patronizing and all... but you will.

    You can all argue 'til the cows come home.
    He is still legally ukpr bird then.
    Caron return him....
    Not to Adele,
    Not to ukpr
    But to JJ..............

    I know that Caron disagrees with your practices, and others too.
    Fight it out later, do what you will, court or what ever.....

    I do not care, but that these two birds are re united.

    Adele has AA, I have a friend who has it. And know of two others. Keeping birds is not an option unless you wish, ultimately, to die.
    It does not work.

    I hope that JJ and Mylo will be found a permanent home together, and for ever, in the long term.

    I doubt Adele would be able to keep them or any birds long term I am very sorry for you Adele..Don't mess with your life if you have AA.

    Of course I am not privy to all that has gone on.
    And all the suppositions arguments etc.
    Fine fight it out. But not at the expense of these two birds.
    It is way past time for JJ and Mylo to be together.

    Caron if you read may have your crusade, and you have it seems helped ukpr to re asses their practices. All to the good.
    Now give Mylo back to JJ..
    Not vikky, or adele or ukpr
    But to JJ.

  52. Unfortunately jennybutcher75 it really isn't that simplistic, theft ISN'T theft. There's a lot more to it than that and Mylo is not a 'something' he's a living creature, not goods or chattels to be bought and sold or used as someone's weapon of spite.

  53. deleted post by anon due to re-post

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. It would seem the 'source' of their crap is a disgruntled ex ACO who his spewing bullshit as usual.They have no facts just the words of someone who had her position taken away by a unanimous vote.
    She has done this before with Oscar the Amazon,tried to take birds away from UKPR by 'advising' their carers to keep them.
    The same person advised Oscars carer to keep him despite the fact he would be alone all day while she worked and with no other birds for company.
    This is just one of the 'experiences' with ukpr that the bog has published which are of course one sided and totally untrue.
    If she's all they have left they are totally out of their depth,without a lifejacket.

  56. THank you Rubytoo and Jenny, voices of reason within the madness. A lot has been learnt from all this and a lot is going on in the background to ensure this doesnt happen again, as has been mentioned on the forum. Now at the end of the day the bitching and the slagging off needs to stop and it REALLY does need to be about the birds. If Caron/Paul wish to carry on their crusade fine, we are big people, we will carry on regardless, but we need to sort Mylo and JJ out and UKPR WILL fight for their right to be together.

  57. Why have they removed the rspca logo from their blog,I wonder?

  58. Oh no it's still there....give it time...

  59. Unfortunately jennybutcher75 it really isn't that simplistic, theft ISN'T theft. There's a lot more to it than that and Mylo is not a 'something' he's a living creature, not goods or chattels to be bought and sold or used as someone's weapon of spite.

    im afraid is the eyes of law,it is that simple,for those involved of course its very emotional,but thats where the courts do their job,they dont take into account feelings,or he said she said,they HAVE to act within the law,and the law states that Mylo belongs to UKPR

  60. can i just add that it wasnt adeles desicion to send only Mylo to carons,it was vikky's,JJ was due to follow once everyone was happy that JJ didnt need veterinary treatment,and yes,that was a huge error in judgment on the day,one that will not be made again,and the fact that adele has AA is really of no consiquence considering we are talking about macaws,of which she has 4 now including Mylo and JJ

  61. omg shoot adele down because she didnt send jj that day?

    adele was their carer for 6 months,if she felt jj wasnt fit to travel,she would know?

    i would do the same!
    prehaps not sent mylo either,but caron would have made a fuss either way?

    what ever would happern that day it would never have been good enough for her?

    if jj was sent bleeding she would have moaned about thet?

    if no bird was sent she would have kicked off also?

    tit for tat,she doesnt give a shit about the birds only to get an excuse to keep an £1500 macaw as a freeby,and she wants another one sent to her, if u do it ukpr you mush be off your heads?

  62. the fact that adele has AA is really of no consiquence considering we are talking about macaws,of which she has 4 now including Mylo and JJ

    Well that just goes to show how much you know about AA,if the antigens are avian specific It does not matter whether you keep macaws, budgies amazons or whatever bird, it is an allergy to the birds and as a responsible rescue you should be considering the long term future for these birds and if Adele has indeed got AA she will not be able to give the birds a long term home. So yes it is relevant
    Will someone smell the coffee, this lot is going round in circles

  63. im afraid is the eyes of law,it is that simple,for those involved of course its very emotional,but thats where the courts do their job,they dont take into account feelings,or he said she said,they HAVE to act within the law,and the law states that Mylo belongs to UKPR...

    So why isnt Mylo with JJ? Who also according to the law, belongs to UKPR.. Not Adele, not Vikky and not Caron or Paul????

  64. Now if it were that simple wouldnt the police have taken action when Vikky sent Jamie to bring Milo back....if the law were that simple we woulnt need courts to make judgements...your view on things is a bit naive my dear

  65. What ever happened to principles? Why are the people defending UKPR ignoring the FACTS?

    Adele submitted these two for re - homing due to being diagnosed with a SERIOUS condition; Caron and her home had been deemed the BEST place to re house them.

    So please Vicky or anybody who is brave enough to answer me - WHY as soon as this all began was Carons home not good enough?

    Adele you're attitude towards your own health is awful, WHY would you simply not care if your condition deteriorated and you were unable to take care of your birds or even your family? How is that RESPONSIBLE?...Its isn’t is it Adele.

    If Carons home was good enough in the first place why is it not now? And if Caron was not everybody's choice or she just happened to be default then shame on you UKPR, there should NEVER be any second best, default or umming and arhhing when it comes to an animal’s life. It was a crucial decision that needed to be made, if you couldn’t make it properly then the blame rest solely upon your shoulders. I am sure you will have now learnt from your mistakes, we all do.

    This whole situation deeply concerns me, i just really don’t get it, Caron is very obviously not a freebie hunter and to say such a thing was ridiculous. I do not know Caron, nor have i ever met her, but her case is stronger than stone.

    What you have done UKPR is very wrong, Vicky stop being so stubborn, it will get you NOWHERE. I really urge you just reflect on this WHOLE situation and ask yourself - If i could have done things differently what would i have done?

    What really gets me is how would this have panned out if Caron misjudged the situation in the beginning and returned Milo to Adele, what would have been said? would this have all been swept under the carpet, would you have refined your principles, up'd your game? tightened those ropes?

    And taking this to court...these are not PROPERTY, this is a single dispute due to your own stubbornness. What are you hoping for, front page news " Internet Parrot Rehoming forum wins back bird"

    Its a joke, you are wasting your own money and time. I would be surprised if you won, really i would.

    It does not matter if you and Caron don’t see eye to eye, all that MATTERS is that Caron can offer them a loving home, what can you offer them considering you could not offer them anything when you first knew about their need to be rehomed? Would a surgeon refuse to perform an operation on a patient because he didn’t like that person... NO so swallow your pride and look at the bigger picture.

    I urge everybody to look at the facts when times of judgement may be called upon.

    Caron you are doing a brilliant job! Never give up hope and stay strong, we are all behind you

  66. oh come on so adele has early stages of aa, shes only young still,im sure she will still be fit as a fiddle when caron is drawing her pension,adele has a 16 year old from what i know?

    maybe he will take over the care,if and when needs be,hes been with parrots all his life,and from what i hear he is discusted and mortified with mylo been held hostage?


  67. your view on things is a bit naive my dear

    How condescending!!

    Paul you are so supercilious

  68. I can confidently report that caron is fit as a fiddle and many years from drawing a pension. she has FIVE children ALL of whom grew up with parrots and share her love of them.

  69. paul????

    lol you are soooooo wrong... AGAIN


    It's not only caron and paul that dare speak out!


    Oh come on ffs, this is getting silly now :(

  71. My take on all this is that Milo belongs to UKPR and a judge will find in favour of UKPR. The sooner papers are served the better.
    As Rubytoo said lessons have been learned and changes are being made from within UKPR, I for one welcome them and it is not a critisisim of UKPR but you cannot forsee every eventuality and one lesson I think that will have been learned is that you cannot always spot the bad apples within your ranks. There will always be an individual trying to outflank the rules and you cannot deal with that until it happens.


    sounds like the asylum has let its inmates out!!

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. muahhhhhhhhhhhha

    love u ukpr

    get her to court and mylo back to jj asap !!!!

    silly silly woman :(

  75. bella I agree with you.I think silent shout is either caron or paul too.

  76. As they say...... "Assumption is the Mother of all f*** ups"

  77. so whats defra going to think about a theft of a cites bird??????????

  78. Can I ask a sensible question here ?..which I dont expect for one moment will get a sensible answer.
    why in the first place did adele decide she could no longer care for milo and jj and what has now changed ?... apart from caron losing favour.
    An answer without all the expletives might make a refreshing change.

  79. Im on neither side but would just like to ask a question. if mylo was stolen why did the police not hand him back to his rightful owner? and why have the rspca said to leave him where he is?

    seems to me theres more to the story than your letting on.

  80. And still no one has even answered one of my questions!
    Those who are openly supporting caron and paul take a look at what ive said and give me some answers because clearly caron and paul dont have the guts.

    BTW everyone just a little tip you done have to sign up to put up your name and nor do you have to be anon select the name/url and just put in your name Seperates you from all the silly anon posters

  81. why have the rspca said to leave him where he is?

    seems to me theres more to the story than your letting on.

    Hmm not sure you have the right end of the stick here - the RSPCA have said their is no welfare issues here - they have basically said they intend no investigation into UKPR as they see nothng wrong

    nothing more nothing less

  82. Plus the rspca cannot seize a bird can they?

  83. Dont seem to me that anybody wants to answer questions on here............

  84. nothing against ukpr,and nothing against adele?

    that SAYS IT ALL??????????

  85. THE SILENCE SAYS IT ALL???????????

  86. Anonymous said...
    THE SILENCE SAYS IT ALL???????????

    20 March 2009 23:41

    No id probably say the silence says some people dont have time to hang around here all night.

  87. good nite bella lol

  88. maybe adele and vicky are spending time with their birds,not typing crap on a blog...

    unlike caron/and paul

    and us oops lol.......

    joke ...there is nothing wrong with sitting writing comments,but when your whole day is taken up with writing shit... poor mylo and the 17 other birds... oh well aparently so?

    where are the pics,where did the macaw end up that caron took on instead of pebbles????????

  89. Jenny - What a 'stupid' comment, a little too much to drink i think...

  90. "why in the first place did adele decide she could no longer care for milo and jj and what has now changed ?... apart from caron losing favour."

    It is not a problem answering just at a reasonable time of day lol
    She didnt decide she couldn't care for them, they were emergency care birds that had been with her for 6 months. Yes she was having the scare with her health at the time, but the main reason for moving them was Caron was giong to be temp carer, and if it went OK she was going to foster them, to try to get them into a permanent home. My understanding is that Adele was struggling on the day to part with them, then the problem with splitting them up happened, and Adele asked to foster them due to the nastiness which went on afterwards, she felt very upset over it, and having them being seperated too.

    At the end of the day there are owners who have let their birds go and then asked for the back pretty much straight away because they couldn't cope without them, is this not the same thing in most ways?

    Serious question for anyone who is following Caron and Paul without any nastiness and twisting things, what what YOU have done in this situation? When someone comes back at you throwing accusations that arnt true within the day, setting up a blog like that and all the mud slinging? Would you not have a second opinion of that person and what their character is like?

  91. Let them carry on,they are slowly exhausting every option open to them,nothing they do or say is going to change the fact that the civil court will acknowledge who legally owns mylo and order his return,there so called case is irrelevant and to be used they must take out there own private legal action which they are perfectly entitled to do,it just wont alter the ownership fact.

    I would actually like to thank caron/paul for there blog its been so helpful in ways they will never know,even down to making ukpr more busy than its ever been,like the saying goes all publicity is good publicity,we have never had so many birds being offered as we have in the last 3 weeks and the forum is buzzing.

    They are saying now that pebbles is uncomfortable inside with alan and obviously living in an aviary,and keep mentioning harry sissens,the same harry sissens that caron has defended and admitted his welfare and knowledge of birds isnt in question.I will compile the evidence of carons opinion of harry one i have done my household chores,including her own personal postings.

  92. 1.) From reading what has been said over the last 3 weeks, isnt it true that Adele did not ask to foster Mylo & JJ long term - it was Vikky who then forced Adele to lie for her?

    2.) I have read UKPR Watch and everything they have stated they have backed up with factual evidence.

    3.) Isnt it UKPR practice to ban people from your forum so as to silence their dissent?

    I believe UKPR Watch from what I can gather, was set up so that Caron could share her side of events.

    They have photographic evidence, and facts on their blog.

    It seems to me that UKPR have none of this and are just clinging to the hope that because they have a piece of paper with a signature on it that in court that will mean something.

    Is it true that you (UKPR) asked for a £200 donation for a Cites listed bird?

    UKPR are stating this with the evidence.

  93. Angus said...
    Teresa could you clarify a few things for me ?
    You are another breeder from ukpr, arent you ?
    And Vikky once made a meal out of you cage breeding on a Pl post, as it being a cruel practice.

    Now is Allen a Cockatoo breeder first or a keeper of Cockatoos ?
    This is the guy who paired up his own pet cockatoo of... cant quite remember how many years and put her out into an aviary to breed.
    So to put it past him to breed with a rescue cockatoo, no I wouldnt, would you ?
    Interestingly enough the picture that he staged of pebbles and him on your forum a couple of weeks ago, I dont think the bird looked very comfortable being indoors. And why did Allen have a fleece and a hat on ? mmmmmmmm

    You mean this post on the other blog. Seeing as you dont want to answer your critics over there perhaps you could comment here when you have finished your chores.
    It was not a good move, looking in from the outside, giving an expensive cockatoo to someone who will breed with their own pet.
    You have made a meal out o milo being worth £1500 pounds, what is the triton worth and how many budgies does allen have in his collection that he has rescued.

  94. Ukpr aco-thank you for your reply, it does make a change on here to have questions answered without the abuse
    If I understood at the time, Adele could not cope with all the birds in her care and this was the reason a home had to be found for them. You say
    " My understanding is that Adele was struggling on the day to part with them, then the problem with splitting them up happened, and Adele asked to foster them due to the nastiness which went on afterwards, she felt very upset over it, and having them being seperated too."
    So why was it decided last week that milo and jj were to be signed over to another rescue-this is just going round and round.
    If Adele has AA, then it was not just a scare with her health, it is real, and that has not changed has it ?

  95. The 3rd party home was simply to get the two birds back together. Adele's feelings about the birds have not changed, but UKPR had doubts about Caron then, and Caron refused to send Mylo back, so the only alternative as Caron had orginally agreed to was to send them BOTH to a 3rd party carer. Hope that helps clear up a few things.

  96. Can i ask a ukprwatch bod why all posts on there blog have to be approved before publication?is it that they are only posting replies in there favour,hand picking them? or is there a simple,ACCEPTABLE reason why there blog is censored.

  97. What is being planned for the birds now, can adele now cope with them, what about adeles health and the long term care of the birds. These issues are not being addressed

  98. Both blogs are being censored, this one just deletes what they dont like

  99. Can we PLEASE not resort now to tit for tat, keep things on track and about Mylo and JJ and maybe, just maybe between us we can get something sorted? All the bitching is just sidetracking and getting us no-where. If anyone has any idea's on how to solve this to BOTH parties satisfaction, please let us know. We dont care about the blog carrying on afterwards, we just need to get Mylo and JJ back together, it doesn't matter now HOW they got split up, they did, and we need to put it right somehow. So instead of putting energies into slagging us off, can we have some suggestions as to how we can resolve it as amicably as possible?

  100. If you had doubts over Caron then why on earth attempt to send them both their in the fist place??

    Sounds to me like UKPR are back tracking..!!

    Making it up as they go along to try and fit the picture they would like to promte to people...

  101. You broke the law by attempting to sell an endangered species didnt you?

    I cannot for the life of me see how any judge in the land is going to order his removal from a happy home back into the hands of a bunch of criminals.

    Correct me if I am wrong?

  102. I would actually like to thank caron/paul for there blog its been so helpful in ways they will never know,even down to making ukpr more busy than its ever been,like the saying goes all publicity is good publicity,we have never had so many birds being offered as we have in the last 3 weeks and the forum is buzzing.

    This goes to show your mentality, most rescues would be saddened by the fact that there were "so many birds being offered", a stange term to use, but not you, you celebrate this fact and are happy that your forum is buzzing and thank caron and paul for their help. This is nothing more than a glory trip for you VIKKY
    If what paul/caron have done has made you lift your game, then that is something that has been achieved. If you get a few more like them along the way you might reach a standard where you can call yourselves a rescue and stand alongside the likes of jebirds- Parrotcare.
    This blog is not about milo and jj, its a big ego trip and your last post just proves that

  103. ACO, you are ignoring constructive questions which might lead to a solution

  104. The trouble is anon, the constructive questions are hidden behind venom. Ask them properly and with the respect you would like to get and maybe they might get answered. I know if I am attacked I defend too, it's human nature.

    Quote "I cannot for the life of me see how any judge in the land is going to order his removal from a happy home back into the hands of a bunch of criminals.

    Correct me if I am wrong?"

    Thats not really for any of us to judge Im afraid. If this does go to court then that's for them to decide and no-one else. We are not able to predict the outcome. And as for judging us ALL as criminals again shows exactly what type of person you are and how you now not one ioto about us.

  105. quote "we have never had so many birds being offered as we have in the last 3 weeks and the forum is buzzing."

    I have posted this on your site as well, but just to clarify , I do believe this is meant to say offering birds HOMES as we have in the last 3 weeks. Which is good as it means we have people who will be able to help home any rescue's that come through. :O)

  106. UKPR ACO said...
    quote "we have never had so many birds being offered as we have in the last 3 weeks and the forum is buzzing."

    I have posted this on your site as well, but just to clarify , I do believe this is meant to say offering birds HOMES as we have in the last 3 weeks. Which is good as it means we have people who will be able to help home any rescue's that come through. :O)

    I dont have a site, but anyway

    If this is true, how many birds do you have for rehoming that are openly advertised on your forum ?
    Where is the big increase in OFFERING BIRDS HOMES ? If you could point it out, because it is not plain to see
    Hasnt your forum been locked to the outside for two out of the three weeks.

    Your posts are very contradictory and I still see Vikkys post as gloating and egotistical and all the back tracking will not convince the majority that you are yet a credible organisation. While you have the mindless few heading up your organisation, it will go nowhere. Look how abusively they have been responding and their language at times has been more than choice.
    You may care to remember that you have a link to here from your child friendly forum.

  107. Angus I have answered your questions on the other blog.. However here are the answers I gave you there..

    If I am another breeder from ukpr, well, I suppose if you call selling 1 baby celestial in the last two years breeding, then yes I am...
    Also you asked about the cube breeding thread. Everyone is entitled to thier own opinions on things dont you agree?
    I cant answer your last question I am afraid, as I dont know. I do know however, that Pebbles or no other cockatoo, has been used for or will be used for breeding.

  108. UKPR ACO: You tried selling an endagred species that is protected by law, under the banner of 'donation'

    A crime - which means it is a criminal act!!

    You sit back stating your case as an armchair judge, and then when somebody counters your argument you say it is not for us to judge.

    Bit of an oxymoron there do you not think?

    If you believe it is not for us to judge then you should say nothing and allow the legal process to unfold.

    Otherwise your stating your opinion for people to read in the hope that they will believe your position that Caron/Paul has stolen Mylo.

    Animals do have rights to be protected from humans you know, thats what CITES is all about.

  109. The UKPR forum was only opened up once again to the outside world when UKPR Watch mentioned DEFRA and the Wildlife police.

    What does this say?

  110. No amount of answers will satisfy them, it would be better just to get on with serving the papers and getting Milo back. I have seen some bad accusations banded about and what's more I think Caron is clutching at straws. Suppose it does give her the limelight for awhile though. She only ever mentions JJ when prompted to do so. She and Paul are not worth arguing with, they assume so they are correct in their own minds and when a judge orders them to hand Milo back they will then call the judge an ass, no there will never be any decision that would satisfy themso it's a waste of time debating with them.

  111. Teresa if you cannot answer the last quesion, then how do you know " that Pebbles or no other cockatoo, has been used for or will be used for breeding." Do you know where all the Cockatoos are and will you share that with us. It is not evident on your forum.

    Your answer to being a breeder is very interesting, Vikky also claims only to have had one baby grey from her breeding birds over the last two years.
    If you care to look on PL, Vikky handreared two clutches just before ukpr was set up and ukpr is a little over 12 months old. Why lie to gain respect, if that is what it is for, or perhaps you are starting to realise what people think about your practices.

  112. Anonynous said...

    "She and Paul are not worth arguing with, they assume so they are correct in their own minds and when a judge orders them to hand Milo back they will then call the judge an ass, no there will never be any decision that would satisfy themso it's a waste of time debating with them."

    I think Caron/Paul have presented a solid case from the very beginning...

    Now this is being pointed out on this blog, anonymous wants to close down the debate..??

    Is it not logical that if Caron/Paul were in the wrong then they would accepet this fact?

    They obviously do not believe they are in the wrong so have involved all of the relevant legal bodies as their blog states.

    As if they are going to call the judge an ass when he decideds what is best for the bird in question.

    This shows your mentallity once again UKPR, and how little you know of Caron/Paul.

    By the sounds of it, you have alot more to worry about that serving papers to reclaim what you believe to be your property!!!

  113. If only Caron and Paul would do the same...

    If you believe it is not for us to judge then you should say nothing and allow the legal process to unfold.

    But are not Caron and Paul doing this too....

    Otherwise your stating your opinion for people to read in the hope that they will believe your position.

    They love to preach but can't for the life of them practice.

  114. Liars always trip up anonymous - They use lie after lie to cover up the initial lie which takes them even further away from the truth.

    Then when people start looking and prodding, it is exposed..!!

  115. Anonymous said...
    Liars always trip up anonymous

    Yes just like you did after the truth blog said there was no RSPCA Investigation, you then posted on your blog that you had spoke with the RSPCA and they said there was no investigation. Hmmmm
    Time to call it a day, I have also copied every post on your blog, even the ones you posted in temper then deleted.

  116. On the outide looking in from the very beginning, it looks like Caron/Paul have done all the leg work for the relevant authorities who UKPR should be accountable too - Now its up to them to pursue what has been presented to them.

    Look at what they have presented in under 3 weeks??

    If the blog had not been set up then nobody would have known to come forward with their own stories so that a case could be built IMO.

    In under 3 weeks a case has been put together and it has been in the public domain for others to judge.

    UKPR is an online business after all, where the day to day running of their 'rescue' service is run..!!

  117. Mmmm, then when they are exposed
    they want to end the debate.

  118. UKPR seem to have selective reading abilities.

    Has not, the RSPCA investigation been explained on their blog??

    How is that a lie?

    The RSPCA were left to do their duty, they returned a 'verdict' without even doing a home visit to either person in question.

    Next came DEFRA!!!

    Read the blog again without your rose tinted spectacles on...

    It is there for all to see.

  119. This blog is just like their forum,awkward questions and cut the conversation dead

    Control freaks !!!!

  120. caron stated if she would have had the pallace cage and jj that day,they the blog would not have been started?

    so if she got her own way,she would have kept what she feels in the dark?

    that says it all to me?

  121. Nothing they say can stand up under scrutiny thats why...!!!

  122. how will anything land on me lol?

    i have no ukpr bird but what i do have is feedom of speech and an ability to make my own mind up,thank you very much!!!!!!!!

  123. Is this just about attacking paul & caron or will you answer other peoples questions ??

  124. Firstly sorry that I had to go attend to my birds and wasnt here to answer a question within minutes :O) Please remember we do have work to do outside of UKPR ;O)I have no problem answering questions that I can, but I will not be here to answer all the time.

    "If this is true, how many birds do you have for rehoming that are openly advertised on your forum ?"

    Currently we have 14 birds up for rehoming on the forum.

    "Where is the big increase in OFFERING BIRDS HOMES ? If you could point it out, because it is not plain to see
    Hasnt your forum been locked to the outside for two out of the three weeks."

    Yes it was locked, and for the pure reason of people taking things off there and twisting it. There are innocent people involved in this, people we have to protect, when all they have done is offered a bird a good home.

    And in the last couple of weeks there have been a number of new people offering homes to our birds, and we will go through the usual homechecking procedures.

    Hope this answers your questions.

  125. And now back to what I asked if possible, does ANYONE have any suggestions on how to resolve the Mylo and JJ problem to both parties satisfaction?

  126. Shouldnt the situation be resolved to JJ and Mylo's satisfaction first and foremost?

  127. UKPR ACO

    What about all of those people who have been banned for having a different point of view to Vikky's?

    Are they still all banned or are they allowed back on?

  128. stuff the people involved those two birds should be in a long term forever home where they are happy and well cared for. end of.

  129. Yes, and isnt Mylo now happy, where JJ was supposed to be also..??

  130. so caron states?

    how does she know hes happy?

    oh yes shes a bird mind reader now??????????

  131. UKPR ACO, is there still room for a solution or are you merely doing this lip service.
    It was only yesterday that the venomous tongues of your senior members were saying that it was definitely going to court and the judge would decide. So is the official line that you are still looking for a soluton or are we all wasting our time here. Is this about the birds or not ? OR IS IT STILL ABOUT SCORING POINTS ?

  132. Hes THAT HAPPY WITH CARON SHE REFUSES TO SHOW A VIDEO CLIP OF HIM INTERACTING WITH HER she shows staged pics showing both a bird and a person looking uncomfortable,mylos body language says it all and so does carons.Why is ukpr allowing rude posts,lies and war mongering on this blog? they dont allowing it on theres ,infact there whole blog is censored and posts handpicked,i guess thats why they are getting hardly any comments on there own blog,they are only publishing posts that agree with them thats why there are only 9 in the last 36 hours and here the thread count is well over 100.I suggest you do as they do and remove irrelevant posts,rude and disrespectful posts and personal attacks.....its about mylo and jj end of,therest is apparently in the hands of the relevant people so leave them people to do there job instead of using all these so called investigations as points to whine about.

  133. My last comment because I can see people cant keep it civil and on track. If someone can offer a solution to Mylo and JJ being back together, it's a good and suitable home for them, and both parties are agreeable, then Im sure legal action will not be required. I personally dont care what's said about me after, I just want the birds together now. JJ is suffering.

  134. After watching some of the earlier comments on this blog i am not suprised they have censored their blog.

  135. As you can see if you trawl back through this thread,it started to get very personal and downright silly,posts like muhahahahha are helping no one,we will now moderate this blog in the same way ukprwatch has chosen to moderate theres.......keep the subject material relevant,factual and avoid personal attacks and posts that are just make to goad other people if you follow these terms your posts will be approaved if you dont then post them elsewhere.

  136. Are polite questions that have been asked on here going to be answered or not. I for one am not going to waste my time typing out posts for them not to be published. If it is a one sided debate that you wish to have why did you not just keep it on your forum.

    This has all turned into a silly game that will drag on for a long time and the two macaws are still apart.

    If this is the case, count me out


  137. UKPR watch. If you have any more questions about myself or my breeding, I would very much like to go through it with you, however, this isnt the place to do it. You know how to contact me, please feel free..

  138. UKPR Watch asking this question of you Teresa:

    UKPR Watch said...
    A question Teresa, and please think carefully before answering.

    Has Alan H ever arranged for rescued Cockatoos to go into the hands of Harry Sissens?

    "I dont know" is not a sufficient answer because you have the means to find out the answer to the question properly.

    Sat Mar 21, 08:53:00 AM 2009


    UKPR Watch said...

    Teresa said...
    UKPR watch. If you have any more questions about myself or my breeding, I would very much like to go through it with you, however, this isnt the place to do it. You know how to contact me, please feel free..

    21 March 2009 16:05

    UKPR Watch have not been asking you about your breeding Teresa, i think you will find that it was Angus asking you the questions.

    My question above still has not been answered, and you were the one who came her for the debate?

    Please can you answer the question...

    Sat Mar 21, 09:34:00 AM 2009

  139. I am sorry ukpr watch, it wasnt you who asked.. But no strange as it may seem, I didnt come for the debate. This really has nothing at all to do with the original reasons for this blog..
    I will happily get involved with things that I can answer truthfuly, you yourself surely couldnt ask anyone to do more than that can you? But of course if the truth always seems to manage to get twisted to suit whatever the issue is at the time.
    One other point. As soon as I get the answer you require then I will give it to you. Although I am not aswerable to you or anyone else.

    Anonymous said... (maybe if you used your name this would be less complicated?)
    Your answer to being a breeder is very interesting, Vikky also claims only to have had one baby grey from her breeding birds over the last two years.
    If you care to look on PL, Vikky handreared two clutches just before ukpr was set up and ukpr is a little over 12 months old. Why lie to gain respect, if that is what it is for, or perhaps you are starting to realise what people think about your practices.

    Are you actualy calling me a liar about the amount of birds that I have breed or handreared? I have answered that one, I have nothing to hide on that fact.

  140. oh my god,what are ukpr watch saying now??????

    they should hide their heads in shame,im totally sickened by their post regarding cherry,have some feelings PLEASE?????????

  141. Any news?
    How are these two birds?
    Did the test results come back?


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