Wednesday 18 March 2009

posting from adele

this is posted on behalf of adele


over the pass two weeks ive had my name and ukpr,s dragged through the mud with lies and accusations,and degrading comments against me and our team and members!yes mylo and jj were aranged to go to caron,but how did that make me feel when i checked the posts on ukpr the next day,only to see bitching about me and slagging me off all about a cage and transporting issues ?
was i happy at that moment in time after what had been written about me?

was i happy to send jj to a person who had shown their true colours in such a small space of time?

who within a day stated that mylo was seized and wouldnt be going anywhere due to my neglect?

would you send jj to a person like that,would you trust their motives?

and to answer some facts
mylo and jj were down stairs for the last two weeks he was here,as i wanted to spent extra time with them before they left!
in the last week he was here he started to bond with me,even regurging at one point,he seamed to neglect jj at this point,maybe thats why he bit her on that day?
i tried to handle mylo whilst he was here but due to protecting jj,i got bit several times,mylo may he enjoying cuddles now but thats because he hasnt got jj,and caron has never seen them together and seen the way he used to protect her?
and they wernt shoved in a back bedroom,what they had for the 1st 6 weeks was a lovely bird room which they could freeroam,cage and jave tree in there for them loads of toys and i spent many a hour with them everyday interacting and keeping them content untill the Quarantine period was up .
the 1st day after they finished Quarantine they were brought down stairs,to join my family,and to get them used to again to house hold living

"is she still locked in a back bedroom?"
no shes still down here where shes been for about a month?
"am i seriousy ill?"
no i have the early stages,and i realised it was my greys,not the macaws that effected me!
"am i a weak person who will lie to protect someone stronger than me?"
am i hell,i have my own mind and thoughts and im not stupid!

blackmail and slander doesnt work with me im affriad and i will stick by ukpr to get these birds back together,not with a person whos just after a freeby and who tries to intimade others for their own gain,would she be doing all this for a pair of budgies? i think not!
yes jj isnt to good atm which breaks my heart seeing her like that,the pre aranged appointment that caron was on about was to get her chipped and checked,but i then found out the vet was only avian interested,and when she went down hill she was booked into a top avian vet,which i might add was a 2 hour trip to get her sorted yesterday,if i didnt care why would i do that for her?
i didnt make the rspca pay,unlike caron?
regarding wayne watkin,i to was abit distressed about them going into a aviary situation too,but once i heared about his indoor room i felt better,this wasnt a easy choice,but vicky stated she would personaly take me there before hand so we could see his birds and the interaction they get,to put my mind at rest.and the main thing is they would be back together.
but ofcause that wasnt ment to be,thanks to caron,so we are yet again are at stage one with these adorable birds.
it really upset me that its mylo this and mylo that,with no regards to jj,only ukpr members have asked about her.
lets hope it gets sorted asap for mylo and jj

1 comment:

  1. This woman and her husband are an absolute joke. She is making even more of a fool of her self day by day. Someone commented on her blog that she was using Mylo as a mascot for her hate campaign, and I 100% agree.

    She posted a long rant about contradictions, her blog is so full of them that I could actually start my own blog based upon them. I may do this, there is plenty of material to work with!

    Repeating herself over and over is not answering the questions. Deleting posts and now not allowing anonymous posts, she is as bad as she makes Vikky out to be.

    She is a sad, pathetic hypocrite who needs to grow up. Obviously they have way too much time on their hands. Slagging off people for having birdrooms or back bedrooms for birds, in the fantastically staged photos of her with Mylo her house is immaculate. Considering she owns 17 birds or something along these lines, do they have free roam of the house? I think not, otherwise we would see evidence of them.

    I think she is a selfish pathetic time waster.

    One minute she says it's about the welfare of the birds, next she says it's the 'fact' that Vikky lied. Which one? make up your feeble little narrow mind.(Yes I will insult you in this way as you seem to deem it fit to do the same by callin others, such as Bella, 'stupid'.)

    She clearly doesn't care about JJ in the slightest so why the hell would anyone want to give him to her?

    Oh, and she should go and work for the RSPCA if she's so great at judging animal welfare, although what she classes as the bird's poor welfare is in fact, Adele's welfare. Adele is the one with the illness, and she is an adult, i'm sure that she can judge for herself if her health is up to it. Oh no, sorry wasn't it that Adele couldnt handle Mylo? A relative of mine has several birds, doesn't handle them constantly but still talks to them and gives them love and attention.

    Birds, like all other animals, have instincts and it doesn't matter how much you domesticate them, they still prefer the company of their owm kind. Fair enough if Adele shut Mylo away by himself all day then that would be unfair, but he is with other birds is he not? We hand rear these birds for our own selfish reasons, and i'm sure that given the choice, Mylo would rather be with other birds than people fussing all over him all the time.

    Would they still be having their UKPR campaign if they didn't have Mylo? I think not. Because if you read the comments of the 2 or 3 followers they actually have (because everyone else has become mind numbingly bored of the situation) it's about Mylo, and personal comments about Vikky and Adele, not actually about the supposed 'shady dealings' of UKPR, blah blah blah.

    Yes i'm anonymous as I don't wish to have my email spammed by you, UKPR watch, but my name is Emily. See, like it makes the blindest bit of difference! I still think you are a pair of idiots!

    And yes, I too have had my comments declined by Caron and Paul. Wonder why?!

    May have to post this over and over again, see if people do get my point, or whether people will just get bored of me repeating myself! Remind you of anyone?!


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