Tuesday 17 March 2009


As you are all aware mylo is reported to be 'happy and well' and not specifically affected by being split with JJ, BUT HOW MANY HAVE ASKED AFTER THE WELFARE OF JJ?????????
Until last night she was managing ok but then unfortunately things changed-JJ had been coping pretty well and then within a few hours has badly plucked herself(there was no difference in the way she was cared for at all so was completely out of the blue),she was rushed to an avian specialist vet first thing this morning(mr.c rice MRCVS) and basically the vet is 99% certain it is a result of being split from mylo for so long.JJ has had a full check up and given a clean bill of health other than the plucking, she has been put on medication metcam(meloxivet) for the next 4 weeks to help with inflammation, she has also routinely been treated for mites even though he stressed its highly doubtful that is the cause it was just a precaution.there are 3 options and failing these JJ will need to return to the vet for hormone treatment, he does not want to take this route at this particular time as he feels it would be too much for her:the options as reccomended by the vet:
1- get mylo back ASAP
2- put JJ in a communal aviary
3-let her bond with one of adeles birds

The RSPCA have been informed and we are hoping they will hurry their investigations before things get worse with the situation being the way it is (caron will not let mylo come back until the investigation is completed , so what happens with JJ in the meantime).
We have heard lots about mylo, but what about JJ, how many times have people asked how JJ is managing (other than members on the forum of UKPR)-the answer very seldomly although mylo staying with caron has been top priority because of the 'welfare of the birds'.
Lets hope the RSPCA follow this up seriously before JJ suffers any more


  1. I posted this on UKPRWATCH.

    Seems to me that the only thing that is happening now is point scoring. It don't matter about a bird plucking but what IS IMPORTEANT and must be known is whether Vikky is lying! Get real; please get those birds back together, as far as I can see if these birds need to be together it don't matter to the birds where that is!!!! Fed up of reading about who did and said what, point scoring is NOT what is needed here but human beings working together putting aside their differences and working for the good of the birds. And no doubt because I have had a rant this will not be posted!

    come on ppl plz get the birds together, I don't honestly care who is right or wrong and I doubt the 2 birds are either they just need to be together.

  2. Ukpr want nothing more than reuiniting these two birds but from what i see caron and her cronies are blocking every attempt made by ukpr.....they have 1 motivation and there is only one place they are going to accept,thats both birds with caron who if you look on her blog is scared of mylo and refusing to post a real time vid of there interaction,she posted one of paul her boyfriend doing it and he has 3 months bird experience,if mylo was so happy with her she would jump at the chance to show everyone how well they get on.The pics mean nothing they are staged just like the press do,they miss the b4 and after and just capture the negative? we want video.

  3. Just to add carons blog is censored,why is that,i tell you why,its so she can had pick what she wants to publish yet again another instance of caron just showing the ''positive'' its like living under stalin on her blog,she insults everyone personally for having an opinion different from her own and removed peoples posting powers as annon even though she welcomed it at the beginning of the blog.Posting with a name is just the same as annon in my opinion as you just use whatever name you want,yes it gives them an email address posting as registered but so what your still just a face

  4. come on ppl plz get the birds together, I don't honestly care who is right or wrong and I doubt the 2 birds are either they just need to be together.

    Agreed Rob, the point scoring is wearing thin now, and the most important thing now is to get Mylo and JJ back together in a home that we trust.

  5. On carons blog it is page after page of words if you so much as dare to differ with her. All what if the police do this and the RSPCA do that. Am fed up of being brainwashed, reading her blog is like being subjected to some porthole taking you back to the 1950's, you know what I mean, a few words, then a reminder of the main point, again a few words then something in bold again to remind you who the baddie is, I call the at best manipulation and at worst brainwashing. Sorry but all that matters is the birds not point scoring and name calling. All it would take is a phone call between both parties and it could be solved by tomoz.
    Come on Caron have the nerve now to practice what you preach, pocket YOUR pride and work towards reuniting these two loverly birds not keeping them apart just to score a point at vikky. And just for good measure a phrase you are very familiar with SHAME ON YOU!!!!

  6. Well said flakeyrob she has done nothing but try and brainwash people. Ive had my name mentioned in her blogs yet in not allowed to have my say and half of the stuff she says doesnt even relate to me!!!
    Im glad people are seeing her for what she really is!!!
    She is a very pathetic woman and paul a very pathetic man.


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