Saturday 14 March 2009


seems the celebrations of getting these 2 reunited was a little premature,as of last night caron and paul have now changed their minds as soon as we updated our blog with the great news,she came back with an attacking statement that we were liars and that in fact it was her that had been arranging it with the 3rd party,after speaking with the 3rd party this morning (wayne watkins) i can infact confirm that caron and paul (for once) are infact telling the truth,in as much as wayne was their own 3rd party choice on the day when this all started,this is something that we have been completely unaware of as no 3rd party details were ever forwarded to us,caron had even refused to divulge 3rd party to her own followers on their its very upsetting to realise,that had this name been put forward to us on the day this all started,Mylo and JJ would have been back together on a permanent basis again within my questions to caron and paul are these,1) why were we never informed of who the 3rd party was?2) why is YOUR choice of 3rd party on the day now suddenly no longer suitable?as far as we are concerned,we are more than happy for Mylo and JJ to be rehomed with mr watkins,nothing has changed for us in anyway with regards to that,it seems that everyone is bending over backwards to do what is right by these birds except CARON AND PAULafter speaking with mr watkins this morning,i have made him aware,that should (looking ever more likely) legal proceedings be started to get Mylo back,we would still like to sign BOTH birds over into his care,he has the facilities to cater for birds in a more intimate way inside,with the option of them enjoying if they so wish an outdoor aviary life,we feel this is the best possible outcome for these birds,and we are very saddened what has been a fantastic option to end this quickly,has been turned on its head by the very people who have "been a vocie for their welfare" caron and paul,what more can i say other than heartbroken

1 of Carons reasons,or main reason the way i see it is that "she dosent want to uproot Mylo" so why did she "underhandedly suggest" to the 3rd party, "i know,you get Mylo and JJ signed over to you,ill bring Mylo down to you,then you give them back to me" so she wants to send mylo from redcar to surrey,JJ from stoke on trent to surrey,then however long later,move them both back to redcar so she is quite happy to send them on their travels around the uk over hundreds of miles for her own gain,but wont "uproot" Mylo to stay with wayne permanently as its "unfair" to Mylo this really stinks just to add now,the 3rd party dosent want to get involved anymore as he is sick of the swapping and changing,very understandable in my mind,but is willing to help once we have been through the courts,so we have no choice but to start legal proceedings we have exhausted all avenues of talks and mediation so see we are left with no alternative

we also have been informed that comments are now being moderated on carons blog, and those that do not support her are being disregarded , therefore we welcome anybody whos posts are not published on the ukpr watch to voice their concerns here and freely give their advice . can assure you we will not randomly pick comments that make us look good but that ALL comments will be added, its time to stop the selfish behaviour shown by ukprwatch and work towards mylo and jj's future being together


  1. Thats a real shame - I am amazed that caron/paul have gone back on their word and it makes me sad to think that no matter what they will move their position to suit their own needs.

    good luck

  2. I posted the following on the other blog but as it is unlikely to be shown i have posted it here as well.

    Mick sue Fisher said
    its becauce they dont know or they are blind to the truth

    Mick-Sue Fisher - what truth?, if we are blind to the truth show it to us, drag it out into the light so we can all see the truth!!
    So far the truth has been nothing but the bitter words of the blog owner feathering their own nest!! Hah!

    I have seen lies on this blog that are amazing!! so i say again show us the truth - show us how this is not paul keeping a bird out of stubborn pride and hiding it behind welfare, show us how this is not just paul renaging on his words.

    I have seen the name of UKPR dragged through the mud on this blog, i have seen the lords words used in the most inappropriate ways in this blog

    SHOW ME!! call me blind but blind to what! this twisting turning set of half truths!!?

    I do not expect this to be shown on this blog but thought i would write it anyway!!

  3. sorry again - I do not want to clog this up but I fear my posts will not be posted on the other blog, here is my responce
    Point out the lies?
    Well how about the great big lie you said at the start of these and all the way through this! that you would hand over Mylo should a 3rd party be prepared to take them on.
    LIE!! now I am sure that you will come back with suotable words in defence but still its a lie..

    Lie 2, You have spread all over your blog that UKPR is a money making scheme for its "owners"
    LIE! it has been shown that not all birds that are rehomed have a donation as you imply and certainly not to the amount you are talking! - whether the lie is explicit in its nature or impicit is neither here nor there you use words that seek to mislead people.

    Maybe Dorrie and Mick Sue Fisher should do what I did over the past 10 days and that was look at it myself from my own stand point - very quickly I could see the truth.

    I hope when you post your responce if this even gets on you remeber to use the word sychophant - as apparently anyone who disagrees with you must be one of UKPRs sychophants.

    I urge people to go looking for yourselves for the truth rather than taking this half baked version and you will be surprised - ask yourselves where are all the people who have had a bad experiance - the start of this blog asked them to come forward but they did not!

  4. UKPR Anonymous, deluded person,

    It really amazes me how you people can post rubbish as above.

    Fact: you ukpr were blocking posts on this blog.
    Fact: you stop people who are not among your little click, meaning the ones who will lie for you, from getting on to your forum, so they couldnt see you tampering, oops! i mean updating.

    Fact : You can put as little or as much as you want to put for donations recieved for these birds, that is only your word.
    Alarm bells started ringing with me, regards your rescue, when its taken you 2 weeks to come up with any answers to what you were ASKED ! People asked if you had a treasurer, silence ! people asked if you kept books, silence. You are the ones on trial here in my opinion. You can try to make this blog look profesionl now but you are acctually making yourselfs look fools. You have possibaly 10/12 regular posters on your forum, where are that 700 and odd members you say you have backing you,where are they? you really are a joke.

    UKPR Watch, you have a hell of a lot more followers than this rescue would try and have every one beleive, so keep up your profesionlisum and dont let the b*****ds grind you down.

    I have posted this on the other blog, would like to put it here please, im sure they wnt put it on the other, as we all know every body has to agree wiyh the.

  5. Sun Mar 15, 04:24:00 AM 2009
    DORRIE said...
    Anonymous said
    Maybe Dorrie and Mick Sue Fisher should do what I did over the past 10 days and that was look at it myself from my own stand point - very quickly I could see the truth.

    Please do not place me as being a follow to anyone I make my own mind up, and you seem to have forgotten I have had dealings with Vikkys lies.
    As I have said in another post I will gladly sit along side Caron and Paul when this goes to court. You see I do not tell lies, and I really, really do not like liars, Says it all!!

    Here you go, I will put my name to it.
    Save this for evidence.

    As posted on the other blog.

  6. Dorrie said...

    Please do not place me as being a follow to anyone I make my own mind up, and you seem to have forgotten I have had dealings with Vikkys lies.
    As I have said in another post I will gladly sit along side Caron and Paul when this goes to court. You see I do not tell lies, and I really, really do not like liars, Says it all!!

    What you mean in the same way that ALL of ukpr's staff and members have been on ukpr watch blog? Isnt nice is it???

  7. Dorrie Says....
    As I have said in another post I will gladly sit along side Caron and Paul when this goes to court. You see I do not tell lies, and I really, really do not like liars, Says it all!!

    This is good dorrie as if this even gets to court I am sure that Caron and Paul will need your support when they are told that they have to hand the bird over to the people the RSCPA gave it to.
    This is madness - if it gets to court I have to say that all that posturing from Caron and Paul that they will do the right thing should either the RSPCA say that there is no reason for Adelle to not have the bird back or indeed a 3rd party is found who can take both birds was nothing more that a front for their own desire to have a bird for free!

  8. These two have gone against expert advice to follow what they believe is right for Milo.
    They have put two fingers up at any help they may have been given.
    Now they are banging on about how these birds should be allowed to remain within their home,amongst all the soft furnishings and central heating with windows and doors to protect them from flying free.
    They are denying these birds the chance to feel natural sunlight and warmth,fresh air in their faces and a more natural way of life.
    Milo and JJ did not choose to be handreared, nor their parents before them,neither did their grandparents choose to be plucked from the wild for an 'evil trade'.They were denied the chance of a free life and natural surroundings.They have been 'imprinted' by humans because they know no better.They also retain the instincts given to them by nature.
    These two people despite the opinions of others who know better,to their own selfish ends.It is a sad day when someone who mentions 'welfare' in every post has no idea what is best for these birds.
    They even have the cheek to belittle those who advise them and then think an apology will cover it.They have exposed themselves as stupid and confirmed the views of people waiting for them to trip over their own stupid argument.Nice one.

  9. Hi vikki,
    I applied to join your forum but as yet no verivication. However it does say I am logged in when I visit the forums homepage. Please either accept me or remove me as a member plz. No good bossting your member numbers is it, when said members can't actually login.

  10. as posted in the other blog

    Caron/Paul – on your rebuttal blog you state the following

    You call us stupid which I find completely demeaning and offensive, and shows the self righteous superior complex you carry, whoever you are.

    Superior self righteous coward, spouting off whilst hiding behind the bullies over at UKPR!!!

    In the next breath you say

    5.) You really think the RSPCA are going to send an innocent bird with a respiratory condition back into a smoker's home??? Where he has been for the last 6 months without veterinary treatment... This just shows how stupid you are!!!

    You can give but you cannot take a bit hypocritical don’t you think.

    Oh and if I was to use your tactics I would now be saying something like:

    Says it all really a person who cannot control their temper and cannot take criticism from other how can people trust this person!!

    People can you not see what they are doing – Dorrie/MSF they are using you and you are just sycophants!


  11. i am awaiting this post to be published over on UKPRWATCH.
    FACTS?!!! so you can prove what you are sayings with facts can you? where are the facts about the THEFT of the gren singing finch? where are your facts about the HEAVIHANDINESS od ukprs heavies when we were rippings birds from loving homes? one of which pictures were sent to show you why,the other party has contacted you to say you dont know the truth about what happened,would you like to know? but you never asked them,why? where are the FACTS about the missing galah,where are the FACTS that UKPR birds are bred from,where are the FACTS that UKPR have stolen money? i could go on and on,but i suppose "you are collating it all as evidence"
    also can i add please,if you are stating that it would be cruel now to move Mylo because he has been with you for 2 weeks,are you saying that anyone who boards a bird whilst they are on holiday with a3rd party,is a wicked person to then remove them from the 3rd party and take them home again? im sure there are plenty of people that do this,and perhaps Mylo never saw a vet for his condition as he was never in an enviroment at adeles that made him react,and why do you keep calling it a respiratory condition? have you had the swab results back yet then? as far as i understand it,he has an allergy dosent he?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. People can you not see what they are doing – Dorrie/MSF they are using you and you are just sycophants!

    As I have posted previously, I am not a follower, I have my own views and opinions on things.
    If you wish to have an opinion about my motives please have the decency to come out from behind the anonymous badge.As with the majority of people outside UKPR,I do not always agree with what you do. As has always been true to form, anyone with differing opinions on your forum has been banned, yet you talk about people who agree with Caron as being sycophantic.
    You are now starting to make a laughing stock of UKPR, which I believe started out with good intentions.

  14. Good old paul and dorrie famous for 2 things,talking a good rescue and sniffing around every cyber fight on the net,go and ask the owner of pl what they think of theses sado's there opinion is worthless and everybody knows it,carons sheep bah bah

  15. I feel sorry that you people who call yourself a rescue have to retaliate only with verbal abuse when the going gets tough.

    And as I have said in my previous post, you Vikky are making a laughing stock of UKPR.Your lies and dirty dealings are documented for all to see.

    Old we may be, and very wise to people like you.
    My opinions to you may be worthless LOL but believe you me I can sleep at night.

    Dorrie. A True Rescuer.

  16. Thankyou for refering to me as vikky,i wish i was half the woman she was but unfortunatly im niether a woman nor anywhere on her par.It seems everyone who doesnt agree with you is either alan or vikky,you seem very paranoid.I know you both better than you will ever know,true rescuer dont make me laugh,i feel sorry for caron having to have you next to her in the doc you will do her no favours because as soon as you open your mouth the game as far as your concerned will be over.Like i said in my last post,sado's war mongers without the backbone to start anything yourselves,you just jump on the bandwagon once the war has begun,your like the playground bully,the type of person who waits for the person to fall before putting the boot disgust me

  17. Dorrie Said...
    As I have posted previously, I am not a follower, I have my own views and opinions on things.
    yet you talk about people who agree with Caron as being sycophantic.

    Dorrie you missed my point completly - the point i was making was that if someone calls paul stupid he retaliates with a verbal tirade and then feels he can call someone else stupid?? makes sense? no and no sense is nonsense!

    Then if someone sticks up for UKPR or says that they have had a good experiance they are called a sycophant and that they "must have a screw loose!"

    But if someone puts on here about one of pauls followers they are deemed attacking and belittling the individuals of UKPR watch who can think for themselves.

    It is a bit hypocritical!!

    And on the subject of hiding behind annonamous - most people on both blogs have funny little names that are really as good as annon!!

    so i have posted this with my user id!!

    jesus diligo vos tamen ego operor non

  18. In reponse to UKPR WATCH Comments

    I have read them, I know of a few people who have respiratory illnesses and still sucesfully keep and rescue parrots - in fact a name i have seen on this blog comes to mind.

    I have also known the RSPCA who i have worked with closley many times in the past to rehome over 100 animals, rehome animals to people who are disabled and the need for oxygen every hour.

    It is not the health of the person they look at in the first instance but rather the ability of an individual to give the care required with the appropriate facilities.

    Your responses are becoming quiet typical now - a comment is made and you attack the person "sad sad man...."
    this can be seen across this blog - you profess to be a religious man and quote scripture many times, but your overall persona is of a very angry individual - not angry over the issues in this blog - just angry - your first defence is your offence, peoples opinions are not taken at face value and responded to, rather you attack anyone daring to disagree with you.

    My recommendation is to learn humility and sometimes to turn the other cheek when dealing with other people

    the following may help
    The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy - Psalm 145:8

    Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools. - Ecclesiastes 7:9

  19. Well im fed up of being silenced over on carons blog at least people are allowed to have an adult conversation on here without being basically banned or posts deleted.

    A few questions i would like someone to answer (especially dorrie or mike sue fisher).

    1. Does it not seem at all questionable to you all that caron is now stopping people posting on there?

    2. As you can all go and read she is labelling me a 'follower' and keeps mentioning me in various posts but yet i have not got the right to answer. I am not at all a follower i simply corrected caron and highlighted her blantant lie. YES i am a member of ukpr ive had no trouble what so ever on there and also had two birds from ukpr with no trouble, but now caron is saying ukpr is bad should i now be a sheep and remove myself from the site because caron said so. Vikky has been nothing but kind to me so why i should i leave?

    3. Caron denied knowing or being involved with whoever sent out the mass emails giving the link about their site, but then she admitted that she knew it was freebird. Does this not set alarm bells ringing for any of you? She then removed her post with the confession as she knew this would make people question her but im not allowed to mention this on her blog thats why my posts have been banned.

    Please guys think about this long and hard. question why caron and paul have done these thing PLEASE!!! I am in no way trying to make you all support vikky as you all have your own opinions but please open your eyes to caron and paul.

    Id like you all to look at my posts and honestly ask yourselves am i really a follower or do i just have my own mind but because i disagreed with the almighty caron i am labelled something im not because she knows if she says that that many of you will just believe her.

    Here are a few quotes from their blog involoving me

    "Those ‘dead heads’ who choose to ignore the truth and facts can vilify our position over not now letting Mylo go but its meaningless because it just shows you for who you are (Bella)."

    Nice huh? im now a dead head because i gave my opinion. Please go read all my posts and ask yourselves does that even make sense to include me in that post or was it just a clever way to drop a name and make you all disbelieve me?

    "Especially you Bella, who was advised to find the truth before attacking people, but declined."

    ANOTHER lie please go and look at my posts i never once refused to find out the truth its actually the complete opposite i said that i was going to do just that and i did! but yet again im not allowed to post that on there. WHY?


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