We have been sat here for nearly 3 weeks waiting for some action to be taken by the RSPCA to resolve this matter,we welcomed with open arms an inspection of Adeles home/her birds and her ability to care for them,as we beleived this would be a speedier reconciliation for getting these 2 birds back together again,we have sat and watched for nearly 3WEEKS!! the numerous postings that caron has made with regards to her communication with the inspector investigating us,and her acussations of welfare issues regading Mylo's health and care,i have been trying to contact the inspector concerned for quite a while with regards to the progress of the investigation as in carons words "when the RSPCA find nothing wrong with adeles home" she would have no problem to send mylo home,back to adele,and back to most importantly JJ,so understandably,we were trying to hurry this process along for the sake of the birds,as it had been over a week and we had heard nothing,thats the point i decided to chase this and push it,anyone who has read their blog,will have been led to beleive that there WAS an investigation taking place,and that CARON was in close communication with the RSPCA with regards to this,however,i can now confirm,after speaking to several inspectors,and finally the inspector for cleveland... THERE IS NO INVESTIGATION AND THERE NEVER HAS BEEN AS THEIR ARE NO WELFARE ISSUES WITH THE BIRDS IN QUESTION,AS CONFIRMED BY THE VET TREATING MYLO !!!
so caron,why did you lie!! was this another stalling tactic? infact the inspector i spoke with today,(inspector for cleveland-your local inspector)didnt know anything about this until he got the message i forwarded him 2 days ago,he has spoken with the inspector you named yourself as the investigating officer,inspector evans,but infact she had no intentions of investigating anything either,becasue their is NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE,WE HAVE BROKEN NO LAWS AND THEIR ARE NO WELFARE ISSUES WITH EITHER OF THE BIRDS IN QUESTION!!
so this is where we are at now,you have the oppurtunity to do the right thing and return Mylo,or we will be appointing an avian specialist to inspect adeles property,and to write a full report on the health and welfare of the birds in her care,and submit this report together with other documentation to support our court papers,and it will come down to ownership,simple as that,yes that may take months,but any court will see that YOU are the only ones who have not been open to resolving this,everyone has bent over backwards to get this sorted quickly for the sake of the birds,if you are prepared to further extend the seperation of these birds,it truly does show your sole initial intentions....... these are the only options left at hand now caron,it is obvious,JJ will never be coming to you