Wednesday 18 March 2009

the big lie !!!!!!!!!!



We have been sat here for nearly 3 weeks waiting for some action to be taken by the RSPCA to resolve this matter,we welcomed with open arms an inspection of Adeles home/her birds and her ability to care for them,as we beleived this would be a speedier reconciliation for getting these 2 birds back together again,we have sat and watched for nearly 3WEEKS!! the numerous postings that caron has made with regards to her communication with the inspector investigating us,and her acussations of welfare issues regading Mylo's health and care,i have been trying to contact the inspector concerned for quite a while with regards to the progress of the investigation as in carons words "when the RSPCA find nothing wrong with adeles home" she would have no problem to send mylo home,back to adele,and back to most importantly JJ,so understandably,we were trying to hurry this process along for the sake of the birds,as it had been over a week and we had heard nothing,thats the point i decided to chase this and push it,anyone who has read their blog,will have been led to beleive that there WAS an investigation taking place,and that CARON was in close communication with the RSPCA with regards to this,however,i can now confirm,after speaking to several inspectors,and finally the inspector for cleveland... THERE IS NO INVESTIGATION AND THERE NEVER HAS BEEN AS THEIR ARE NO WELFARE ISSUES WITH THE BIRDS IN QUESTION,AS CONFIRMED BY THE VET TREATING MYLO !!!

so caron,why did you lie!! was this another stalling tactic? infact the inspector i spoke with today,(inspector for cleveland-your local inspector)didnt know anything about this until he got the message i forwarded him 2 days ago,he has spoken with the inspector you named yourself as the investigating officer,inspector evans,but infact she had no intentions of investigating anything either,becasue their is NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE,WE HAVE BROKEN NO LAWS AND THEIR ARE NO WELFARE ISSUES WITH EITHER OF THE BIRDS IN QUESTION!!

so this is where we are at now,you have the oppurtunity to do the right thing and return Mylo,or we will be appointing an avian specialist to inspect adeles property,and to write a full report on the health and welfare of the birds in her care,and submit this report together with other documentation to support our court papers,and it will come down to ownership,simple as that,yes that may take months,but any court will see that YOU are the only ones who have not been open to resolving this,everyone has bent over backwards to get this sorted quickly for the sake of the birds,if you are prepared to further extend the seperation of these birds,it truly does show your sole initial intentions....... these are the only options left at hand now caron,it is obvious,JJ will never be coming to you

posting from adele

this is posted on behalf of adele


over the pass two weeks ive had my name and ukpr,s dragged through the mud with lies and accusations,and degrading comments against me and our team and members!yes mylo and jj were aranged to go to caron,but how did that make me feel when i checked the posts on ukpr the next day,only to see bitching about me and slagging me off all about a cage and transporting issues ?
was i happy at that moment in time after what had been written about me?

was i happy to send jj to a person who had shown their true colours in such a small space of time?

who within a day stated that mylo was seized and wouldnt be going anywhere due to my neglect?

would you send jj to a person like that,would you trust their motives?

and to answer some facts
mylo and jj were down stairs for the last two weeks he was here,as i wanted to spent extra time with them before they left!
in the last week he was here he started to bond with me,even regurging at one point,he seamed to neglect jj at this point,maybe thats why he bit her on that day?
i tried to handle mylo whilst he was here but due to protecting jj,i got bit several times,mylo may he enjoying cuddles now but thats because he hasnt got jj,and caron has never seen them together and seen the way he used to protect her?
and they wernt shoved in a back bedroom,what they had for the 1st 6 weeks was a lovely bird room which they could freeroam,cage and jave tree in there for them loads of toys and i spent many a hour with them everyday interacting and keeping them content untill the Quarantine period was up .
the 1st day after they finished Quarantine they were brought down stairs,to join my family,and to get them used to again to house hold living

"is she still locked in a back bedroom?"
no shes still down here where shes been for about a month?
"am i seriousy ill?"
no i have the early stages,and i realised it was my greys,not the macaws that effected me!
"am i a weak person who will lie to protect someone stronger than me?"
am i hell,i have my own mind and thoughts and im not stupid!

blackmail and slander doesnt work with me im affriad and i will stick by ukpr to get these birds back together,not with a person whos just after a freeby and who tries to intimade others for their own gain,would she be doing all this for a pair of budgies? i think not!
yes jj isnt to good atm which breaks my heart seeing her like that,the pre aranged appointment that caron was on about was to get her chipped and checked,but i then found out the vet was only avian interested,and when she went down hill she was booked into a top avian vet,which i might add was a 2 hour trip to get her sorted yesterday,if i didnt care why would i do that for her?
i didnt make the rspca pay,unlike caron?
regarding wayne watkin,i to was abit distressed about them going into a aviary situation too,but once i heared about his indoor room i felt better,this wasnt a easy choice,but vicky stated she would personaly take me there before hand so we could see his birds and the interaction they get,to put my mind at rest.and the main thing is they would be back together.
but ofcause that wasnt ment to be,thanks to caron,so we are yet again are at stage one with these adorable birds.
it really upset me that its mylo this and mylo that,with no regards to jj,only ukpr members have asked about her.
lets hope it gets sorted asap for mylo and jj

Tuesday 17 March 2009


As you are all aware mylo is reported to be 'happy and well' and not specifically affected by being split with JJ, BUT HOW MANY HAVE ASKED AFTER THE WELFARE OF JJ?????????
Until last night she was managing ok but then unfortunately things changed-JJ had been coping pretty well and then within a few hours has badly plucked herself(there was no difference in the way she was cared for at all so was completely out of the blue),she was rushed to an avian specialist vet first thing this morning(mr.c rice MRCVS) and basically the vet is 99% certain it is a result of being split from mylo for so long.JJ has had a full check up and given a clean bill of health other than the plucking, she has been put on medication metcam(meloxivet) for the next 4 weeks to help with inflammation, she has also routinely been treated for mites even though he stressed its highly doubtful that is the cause it was just a precaution.there are 3 options and failing these JJ will need to return to the vet for hormone treatment, he does not want to take this route at this particular time as he feels it would be too much for her:the options as reccomended by the vet:
1- get mylo back ASAP
2- put JJ in a communal aviary
3-let her bond with one of adeles birds

The RSPCA have been informed and we are hoping they will hurry their investigations before things get worse with the situation being the way it is (caron will not let mylo come back until the investigation is completed , so what happens with JJ in the meantime).
We have heard lots about mylo, but what about JJ, how many times have people asked how JJ is managing (other than members on the forum of UKPR)-the answer very seldomly although mylo staying with caron has been top priority because of the 'welfare of the birds'.
Lets hope the RSPCA follow this up seriously before JJ suffers any more

Saturday 14 March 2009


seems the celebrations of getting these 2 reunited was a little premature,as of last night caron and paul have now changed their minds as soon as we updated our blog with the great news,she came back with an attacking statement that we were liars and that in fact it was her that had been arranging it with the 3rd party,after speaking with the 3rd party this morning (wayne watkins) i can infact confirm that caron and paul (for once) are infact telling the truth,in as much as wayne was their own 3rd party choice on the day when this all started,this is something that we have been completely unaware of as no 3rd party details were ever forwarded to us,caron had even refused to divulge 3rd party to her own followers on their its very upsetting to realise,that had this name been put forward to us on the day this all started,Mylo and JJ would have been back together on a permanent basis again within my questions to caron and paul are these,1) why were we never informed of who the 3rd party was?2) why is YOUR choice of 3rd party on the day now suddenly no longer suitable?as far as we are concerned,we are more than happy for Mylo and JJ to be rehomed with mr watkins,nothing has changed for us in anyway with regards to that,it seems that everyone is bending over backwards to do what is right by these birds except CARON AND PAULafter speaking with mr watkins this morning,i have made him aware,that should (looking ever more likely) legal proceedings be started to get Mylo back,we would still like to sign BOTH birds over into his care,he has the facilities to cater for birds in a more intimate way inside,with the option of them enjoying if they so wish an outdoor aviary life,we feel this is the best possible outcome for these birds,and we are very saddened what has been a fantastic option to end this quickly,has been turned on its head by the very people who have "been a vocie for their welfare" caron and paul,what more can i say other than heartbroken

1 of Carons reasons,or main reason the way i see it is that "she dosent want to uproot Mylo" so why did she "underhandedly suggest" to the 3rd party, "i know,you get Mylo and JJ signed over to you,ill bring Mylo down to you,then you give them back to me" so she wants to send mylo from redcar to surrey,JJ from stoke on trent to surrey,then however long later,move them both back to redcar so she is quite happy to send them on their travels around the uk over hundreds of miles for her own gain,but wont "uproot" Mylo to stay with wayne permanently as its "unfair" to Mylo this really stinks just to add now,the 3rd party dosent want to get involved anymore as he is sick of the swapping and changing,very understandable in my mind,but is willing to help once we have been through the courts,so we have no choice but to start legal proceedings we have exhausted all avenues of talks and mediation so see we are left with no alternative

we also have been informed that comments are now being moderated on carons blog, and those that do not support her are being disregarded , therefore we welcome anybody whos posts are not published on the ukpr watch to voice their concerns here and freely give their advice . can assure you we will not randomly pick comments that make us look good but that ALL comments will be added, its time to stop the selfish behaviour shown by ukprwatch and work towards mylo and jj's future being together

Friday 13 March 2009

fantastic news~mylo and jj's future

After much discussion and deliberation within UKPR to find these guys their perfect home or a third party to take them in to secure their future -TOGETHER, we have some good news!!!

Under the advice and expertise of greg glendell we have been working towards finding somewhere milo and jj can go to be reunited, we beleive we have now found that place, thanks greg :)

Greg has reccomended wayne watkins who has the facilities and expertise to give these two guys not only a third party place to be re united but a permanent home, without the expertise and advice of greg we feel this outcome would not have been possible and we are very pleased that at last the milo and jj situation can be resolved we only wish this could have been the case much sooner.

As you are aware we have been working hard to make sure that these two are not pushed from pillar to post but can be reunited and together again- their happiness and welfare has always been our top priority, it has not been an easy task we had to find someone who had the knowledge , expertise and facilities and with whom milo and jj's future could be secured , originally the plan was caron would emergency care with a view to fostering them permanently and that altho there was some concerns we felt their welfare and health would not be affected,however recent events only proved some of our concerns, but as luck would have things wayne watkins can offer them everything they are in need of and more.

Subject to a check of waynes facilities(which im sure will pass with flying colours) we are confident that they have found what they need and at last they can be reunited and enjoy the rest of their years in harmony, caron has been contacted and has agreed to send milo with jj to waynes, so all in all a good result all round.

milo and jj you will both be soon reunited and living in happiness and that is our ultimate goal.

we would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have beleived that UKPR could come to a decision and resolve this issue and now we can get back to what we are here for .

good luck to milo and jj for their


On the list it also states about a pair of love birds being re-homed, please correct me if I am wrong, but didn’t Dawnie withdraw her request of re-homing these two birds immediately after witnessing the Mylo and JJ debacle? Maybe the situation was rectified so it would be good if someone could clarify this

The lovebirds that were rehomed did NOT belong to dawnie- they were seperate rehomes altogether from some time ago(march 2008) so carons claim there was totally untrue and unsupported, they were rescued by adele from freecycle
from adele on their thread:- i had seen an ad yesterday and no its wasnt the usual sites(preloved ect)it was on my local freecylcle group,for those who dont know its a local group that recycle items,for free to save them going to the tip.washers , cookers,sofas ect..the poor birds were only rehomed on sat but the new owner didnt like them :rant: luckly he had loads of offers but picked me to rehome them
dawnie did withdraw her request of rehoming once UKPR's name was brought into disrepute from caron & co, emails were sent to members asking them to come to carons blog(including one staff member) from john doe(why use a false identity?
emails rewceived from john doe sent to members past and present:-
Always wanted to say something but too scared to ask or be banned, well now here is your chance.

Apologies in advance to anyone that did not wish to receive this email, you will not be contacted again.

Kindest regards

on behalf of a birds welfare

From my point of view a rather dishonest and devious way of doing things to retreive peoples personal emails and then mass email like this(spamming)
in reply to the birds that pauline has from UKPR i know at least of the budgie who sadly died after he was rehomed with pauline , so it is possible that she does only have 2 UKPR birds with her now that im sure are well looked after and cared for, the list was of all birds who have been SUCCESSFULLY REHOMED not birds who currently reside in their new homes now.

in reply to the homecheck of the birds who were 'seized' from a UKPR mod, there was absolutely no cause for concern to begin with , birds were happy and well cared for , there were visits from staff who saw no prolems-the problems only arose when the ACO started working a very busy job and time was more consumed, after several attemtpts to contact no replies came back or replies saying they would call and didnt, it was only then when a bird was to be rehomed that was at her premises and contact couldnt be made that vikky turned up to get the bird who somebody was looking forward to welcoming them into their home that they saw how bad things had really got and decided all birds needed to be returned to UKPR, i will also add there was many offers of helping not only UKPR birds but also her own if she was finding it difficult on a temporary basis from others on UKPR- does that sound like malice??

donations go towards helping the next birds in need, some have no cages, or cages that are not adequate for them to live in without causing them mental health issues - so the money has to come from somewhere in these cases , some cages are donated but depending on the particuilar birds needs they may not be good enough, vets bills are not cheap and i dont mean taking it to the rspca or pdsa and giving a £10 donation towards your pets healthcare , they are taken to qualified avian vets if needed, travel and fuel is another huge amount that is covered with donations , we cover the UK from scotland to cornwall, and sometimes an ACO does collect and pay from their own pocket but what happens when u do a 600 mile trip to sort not 1 but a few birds (ie- drop one off , pick one up and deliver to suitable emergency carer/s), would you be able to say no sorry cant do it as i cant afford the fuel??? no you try your hardest to help especially when their story is so heartbreaking, the donations are greatly appreciated as they cover this side of UKPR work.

this is not detailed clarification but i hope it will help see our point of view.

Wednesday 11 March 2009

successful rehomes ~UKPR

Below is a list of successful rehomes through UKPR, these birds happily went to their forever homes.

pet shop budgie ~rehomed with pauline(donation 0.00)

pippin and friend~ rehomed with pauline(donation (0.00)

reggie ringneck~rehomed with pauline(donation 0.00)

2 ringnecks~rehomed with phil/cassie(donation 0.00)

cockateil~ rehomed with pauline(donation 0.00

billie the ringneck~rehomed with alans brother(donation 0.00)

pair of lovebirds~ rehomed with adeles mum(donation 0.00)

pickles blue headed pionus~rehomed with steph (donation 0.00)

2 barrabands~rehomed with elles brother in law(donation £35)

2 congo african greys~rehomed with adele (donation £200)

boris the budgie~ rehomed with pauline (donation 0.00)

2 cockateils~rehomed with pauline (donation 0.00)

moustache parakeet~rehomed with pauline (donation 0.00)

7 cockateils~rehomed with annies friend (donation 0.00)

bella the cockateil ~rehomed with annie (donation 0.00)

sunny the budgie~rehomed with mr ford (donation £30)

pepe the orange winged amazon~rehomed with 2cay2 (donation 0.00)

ringneck and cockateil~rehomed with bella (donation £30)

5 male budgies~rehomed with pauline(donation 0.00)

sooty greencheeked conure~rehomed with annie (donation 0.00)

archie the african grey~rehomed with buddhabelly (donation £150)

lola the meyers~rehomed with charlie meyers (donation £50)

summer the jardine~rehomed with honeybee (donation £100)

smokey and bobby cockateils~rehomed with mikestudio (65)

sqwalk blue masked lovebird~rehomed with clara

lola african grey~rehomed with budhabelly (donation £100)

fred blue fronted amazon~rehomed with charliemeyers (donation £75)

maroon bellied conure and lovebird~rehomed with padi

clarence the hahns macaw ~rehomed with 2cay2 (donation 0.00)

charlie congo african grey~rehomed with julie 1 (donation £95)

2 male ringnecks~rehomed with phil/kassie (donation 0.00)

dillon cockateil~rehomed with barbz (donation £20)

malcom and gerry cockateils~rehomed with barbz (donation £20)

grommit african grey~rehomed with iangreentree (donation £150)

jack black capped conure~rehomed with elle(donation 0.00)

oscar nanday conure ~rehomed with hoanui (donation tba)

charlie dyh amazon~rehomed with linda jones (donation 0.00)

sunshine and sydney~rehomed with wolflore (donation £30)

apple alexandrine~rehomed with tina3462 (donation £60)

pebbles the too~rehomed with alan (donation 0.00)

spike and ellesse cockateils~rehomed with colleen(donation £45)

max and mojo cockateils~rehomed with helen biggs (donation £20)

full details can be found by clicking the following link:

donated funds always go towards helping the next bird in need, examples include cages, toys, vetinary treatment, as well as fuel costs to get to where ever in the uk they are based to pick up birds in need and also microchipping (where applicable) and insurance (where applicable), but as you can see from the above list donations are not received for every bird that comes into our care,there are also birds who have come into UKPR care who for whatever reason can never be rehomed . without the donation our help would be limited to what we can acheive .

Friday 6 March 2009

the truth behind the fundraising and the law

We do not fall under the duristriction of the charities commisiion as we have never claimed to be a "charity" we are a non profit making voluntary organisation as stated here in a quote from the front page of our website above the donations button"We are a non profit making organization of national volunteers, whose aim is to help with the rescue and rehabilitation of as many birds as we are able to take in"we are acting perfectly within the law by taking donations by either receiving them through the website or by asking for donations for our birds,no money taken through the website as website owner can be considered as a personal income as all money received is done so through the account in the name of the organisation,none of this is taxable as the donator has already paid tax,that is why the gift aid scheme is available for charities to claim that tax backi hope this clarifies some points raised,if i have missed anything out,please let me know and i will be happy to answer you

the truth behind the "theft" of the green singing finch

caron had offered her canary on the forum as a members bird for rehoming,alan.h also knew of a canary in need of a home,so i very kindly along with another team member to bring the birds down the country to pauline in northampton as she had offered to take them (free of charge i might add),so this journey was a 2 leg journey,the 1st leg was from middlesborough to birmingham where i had arranged to meet jay (as i had a cage he needed to collect from me)to complete the second leg,on jay arriving (after i had to hang around for 2 hours because he was delayed so if it had not been for these 2 birds we would have been home) he had a canary and a finch,i asked who's canary it was as i was thinking 2? he told me it was alans,presuming now that both the canary and finch came intogether anyway,ive said my goodbyes to everyone and left,with the canary and the FINCH i then rang pauline en route and told her i would deliver them to her,but she was going to be out so arranged to meet her outside pc world in my home when i get there,i said hi,as you do,i said heres your canary,whilst having a good look at his scaly foot,and i said "theres a finch in there to (pointing into the back seat of my car)but i can give him a home no probs with my canary at home" at which pauline replied "oh right ok" at which point i had to leave,as i was 2 hours late and myself and hubby had prearranged plans, now......... why did pauline not say "thats my finch to" so ive gone home in bliss,thinking not only have a gained a friend for sunny,but ive also managed to rehome the poor bird,then i get a text from jay saying caron and pauline are fuming as you have stolen their finch by this time it was really late for all of us it had been a long day so at 8:44 on the 28th caron rang to say that finch was meant for pauline,i said im really sorry,i didnt realise it was her's i thought it was a ukpr bird that was in need of a home, as soon as i had put the phone down to caron,i rang pauline who's phone went straight to answerphone so i left it unitl the next morning and at 10:31 the next day i sent her this pm vikky Wrote:hi pauline..... i didnt realsie that the finch was member for rehoming bird,i thought you were getting 2 canaries anyway,let me know if you want to collect or for me to drop off......dosent matter to me either way and within hours the bird was collected by roy her husband and that was mallace no intent of "theft" all very silly,and all very easy to rectify...... so that was our thank you for bringing to birds hundreds of miles down the country,at our own expense,the FINCH of course not even being a UKPR bird....

Wednesday 4 March 2009

the truth about heavy handedness

ok......i cant be bothered to trawl through the watch blog to find the various quotes,but there has been a reference made about us going round to someones house mob handed to seize birds back,for the benefit of that person i shall not be naming them,if indeed you are reffering to this person,but that dosent matter as you all seem to know least freebird did,because she fuelled a lot of the bitterness to start with,as well as another ex ACO... so here is the story of the poor caring emergency carer who cried herself to sleep at nights,who infact was an ACO for UKPR who was sacked,and lucky not to be prosecuted,what i am about to tell you,is not hearsay,or summising,it is factual with witnesses and pictures to back up what i am about to tell you....a one time ACO for UKPR was atrusted member of the team,who had many UKPR birds in her care,some short term until homes could be found,some as far as we were concerned,permanent,the ACO concerned was a housewife and so was at home with the birds 24/7,untill she had to take a job,and so her time on the forum got less and less,which is totally understandable when you are playing catch up,in the meantime,we had found permanent homes for 2 of the birds in her care,in short,a few of us tried for many many weeks to get hold of her with no reply,we tried emailing,phoning,texting,pm'ing msn'ing all to no avail,so when this had run into getting on for a couple of months with only a couple of short texts saying"ill call you later" we got suspicious and took our chances and turned up,with the intention of taking the ec birds,and finalising contracts for the birds remaing in her care...... but when we got there,we felt utterly sick at what we saw,her partner/husband had no idea at the extent of the lengths we had gone to at contacting her and apologised,we had to play it very cool that morning,as we were not able to deal with the extent of what we found on that day and politely left with a false smile and return as soon as we could ,we saw a budgie in show box,and was told by her that he had just arrived that day with someone handing him in,and were told on the next visit by the partner it was one of their birds from the aviary....... we found our too with no waterbowl atal,all other waterbowls evaporated down to a green sludge full of poo,one of our other greys in an aviary with another of their greys and a nestbox,apparently an egg had been laid,and some of our smaller aviary had apparently died on bonfire night,only our though none of their own (funny that) they had split up some tiels that had lived together all of their lives and given a couple to friend(to start off his aviary) and 2 ringnecks that had come in seperately put together in an aviary (which apparently i was supposed to have agreed to.never in a million years)we also found them to have only the lowest quality seed,that was all husks anyway,and not one scrap of fruit or vegetables was evident anywhere,even though there was plenty of poo at the bottom of their cages and obviously not cleaned out in a very long time,they had taken the large cage that the tiels came in and put their own bird in,and stuffed the poor lonely tiel into a tiny cage....when we pulled up their was a huge blackboard of birds for a menu board,we have also never received a 50 donation that she took and i have since had to put that in myself,i have never seen anything like it in my life what we found,luckily,we managed get some pictures while they werent looking,if anyone would like to see them,they only have to sure if anyone else there on that day would like to add anything else,they soon as we had recovered our birds,she was sacked.... and the birds moved to a safer enviroment..... so,look at the pictures,and tell me what you would have done,sp you see,we only take birds back for their own welfare end of